Tricks or treats long tails and short tails - no puppy dog tails
Back in 2009 when I first joined AR I would see Blogs about market reports and wonder why people were writing them. One person Jeff Dowler, CRS was always writing about Carlsbad California. I started to learn about Jeff as he relocated from my area and branded himself the relocation dude. Here is a link to his post
Way back when I also attended several Rain Camps and heard Bob Steward and Ben Kinney speak. They taught me about the long and short tails. In blogging, it simply meant taking a specific area and choosing a small section/subdivision .. Try to choose a section that is not being worked on by other agents. Blog about this area and do market reports. Blog about events and restaurants in the area. You can even interview important people in the area. Later Bob Stewart even conducted classes at Active Rain University on how to do market reports. He also had a form that I see some members still use today. Check out the Active Rain University link you are sure to learn something in the review of the post link
I am very grateful for these tasty treats of knowledge that I have learned. Let's not forget Craig Daniels. He has helped with updating our profiles. He has also shown us how to upload pictures into our posts and so many other useful tips. Follow him on YouTube and Active Rain.
Learning to do market reports has helped me become a better listing agent. Some members may think they are boring. If you make it interesting and add pictures, videos, maps, charts, or any other media that you think the public will read and also be consistent you will get treats too. Most important Google will find it and then your readers.
Not so boring is it? Consistency is key when it comes to achieving success. Patience and hard work are vital factors that should not be underestimated. It may take anywhere from 6 to 18 months, or even a little longer, but with dedication, you will achieve your goals. It is important to note that making your content interesting for your readers is crucial. Provide them with the information they're looking for, rather than presenting them with a wall of words. Remember, quality over quantity.
This is my entry to the October Challenge by Endre Barath, Jr. and Leanne Smith