Common Causes of Mold
Here are some of the common causes of mold: (The Villages, Ocala, Gainesville, Florida)
- Humidity: If you live in a humid climate, the possibility of mold is very high as this fungus thrives in humid places. In places like Gainesville, The Villages and Ocala, Florida, where it rains constantly, the humidity is naturally high, which is why you may need a mold assessment.
- Leaking Pipes or Roof: More often than not, it’s a water leak within the structure of the house resulting in mold formation. A leaking pipe is the most common reason for mold behind drywall and under the sink. Also, if the roof is damaged and leaks water, it can also cause mold on the roof and even the floor.
- Winter Condensation: In winters, a condensation layer can form on surfaces because of fluctuation in temperature. This is normally the case with pipes, concrete floors, and tiles. If the condensation is persistent, mold can form on these surfaces.
- Flooding: As if flooding itself isn’t horrible enough, it also leaves behind mold and mildew. It can take days or weeks to get the water out of the home, which is enough time for mold to make the wet surfaces home. This is why a mold inspection /assessment is necessary after a flood episode.
- Humid Basement: Basements are the ideal places for mold as they are damp and hot even when the weather is pleasant. Because of poor ventilation or air circulation, the humidity levels in basements can be constantly high. This problem gets worse if there’s also a leakage in the basement. This is why periodic mold inspection /assessments is needed.
Common Signs of Mold
Mold may be present in your home and contaminate the air you breathe without you even realizing it. If it occurs in places not frequented, it’s easier not to notice them. Here are some common tell-tale signs:
- Paint of Wallpaper Damage: If the mold has formed inside wall cavities, you’ll notice the paint or wallpaper starting to chip. The affected area will also be damp. In severe cases, the wall can start decaying.
- Stains: This is the most apparent sign of mold as it creates blackish, brownish stains on the surface. Stains can occur on the ceiling, flooring, carpeting, and walls.
- Musty Odor: Mold in enclosed spaces can have a particular odor that smells like stagnant water. If mold forms in cabinets or closets with closed doors, you’ll be able to smell it distinctly when you open the doors. If you’re smelling such an odor in your kitchen or bathroom, it’s time to call Indoor Microbial Specialist (IMS) Scientist and engineers experts in mold contamination in Florida.
TO SCHEDULE A MOLD INSPECTION, MOLD TESTING or MOLD ASSESSMENT VISIT US AT: INDOOR MICROBIAL SPECIALIST or call us at: 352-633-3591. Two offices to serve you: The Villages & Gainesville, Florida. We service from Orange County to Alachua County, Florida and everything in between.
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