
School Systems are now hiring!!

Real Estate Technology with BIC Services, LLC NMLS #70388


Want to know who's hiring like crazy in every county in my region?  If you knew, what would you do about it?
Okay, it's the school system.  Every summer, there is usually a huge void in every county causing the HR Manager to go out recruiting and interviewing for several open positions that have to be filled before the new teacher orientation in August.
Now how can you help these managers find great teachers for our schools?
Call the HR Managers and Principals for as many schools as you can and ask if you can take them to lunch to go over an idea to help them fill open positions.
Read on to see some ideas I came up with and I am sure you can think of some too.


Sam Thompson,  PHH Mortgage - 843-230-7929

Senior Advisor - Helping you GROW your business! - SC - NC

