Thanks to Leanne Smith and Endre Barath, Jr. for hosting this month's challenge!
October Challenge - Trick or Treat Time to Share
ActiveRain is an awesome community of so many like-minded professionals! I've been blessed to be a member since December of 2006 and an active blogger since 2009. Looking back all those years makes me smile BIG!. There are so many folks that are in my life as a result of ActiveRain and it still blows me away. I had no idea when I started this journey that the relationships would be such a huge part of the journey. Sure there's been a lot of business too but it's the relationships that keep me going to this day.
In January of 2009 I was in my office after hours and I received a phone call from Brad Andersohn. I think I had just taking a class or webinar on blogging and he wanted to check in with me. He gave me so many great 'treats' on that phone call! And he and Bob Stewart continued to do so throughout the years via Meetups, classes, webinars.....the list goes on! I had no idea of how to blog or what to blog about back in those early days.
In the early January time frame they asked me to be an Ambassador for ActiveRain. Sure! Why not! That's what I'm good at! I so enjoyed meeting all the Ambassadors on webinars etc. And many of us starting calling each other for treats of knowledge and giving a helping hand up. That is still going on to this day with so, so many members of ActiveRain!
Honestly I could have a list of way over 500 people that I've connected with and stayed in touch with over the years. How to get started on that list is mind blowing! I'd call that a mind trick. But I'll turn it into a TREAT!
The first guy that helped me tremendously was Jeff Dowler, CRS ! And he didn't even know it at first. I studied what he was doing on his blogs and especially his profile. And I thought - he is about excellence! I want my profile to be top notch. I did call him one day and thanked him and we've been friends ever since. I've also had the pleasure at meeting him, several times here in town and at various other meetings. Thanks Jeff!
The next guys are, of course Liz and Bill Spear (Bill) and Craig Daniels! These two are whizzes on everything tech and AR. I can't thank both of you enough for all your support and ideas over the years. Two Big Treats for Sure!
Here's where it's a trick...... seriously. How on earth can I list everyone. Not possible. Just know if you've crossed my path over the years - you are a friend!
Back about 7 or 8 years ago I had been having an issue with a national designation group for a number of years. I attempted several times to make some progress but finally said - the hell with it! It just wasn't worth my energy or time. It took them a few years to figure it out and change the leaders around.
Here's the treat of that story!
Miss Carol Williams left a comment on a blog of mine and said - if you want to chat give me a call. I did call her to let her know I was just fine but I appreciated her reaching out to me! That was the start of a great friendship of which continues on to this day. We've had more fun laughing and creating mischief! Look what she showed up as one time she was in town.....
Carol Williams!
Happy Trick or Treating Rainers!