Well, it took a while. But I finally got it together and wrote a post about the best neighborhoods in Keller, TX for my website, DFWMoves.com
I thought it was going to be a simple matter, just writing down information learned over 30 years of helping Keller area home buyers and sellers.
I've watched Keller grow from just over 8000 people to around 45,000. I've even spent time as a resident in Keller.
I was wrong.
It's actually very difficult to filter down to the essentials from three decades of knowledge about a subject matter into an overview introducing others to the area.
I kept getting bogged down considering who lived in each neighborhood and what they were doing now. I had to redirect thoughts about what streets are new, and that "new" to me is now actually 10 years old.
So writing this "introduction" to the Keller housing market actually turned out to be a history review for me. And while I enjoyed the process, it may be a while before I take up the task with another location.
Be sure and check out more Keller neighborhoods in our Keller TX Subdivision Directory, too.