Last spring I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was a gut punch. I felt fine, no lumps, no indication that I had anything wrong. The digital mammogram may have saved my life. One year ago today I had my double-mastectomy surgery. I was very lucky that I did not have to undergo chemo or radiation therapy. Many others who are diagnosed require many months of treatment before they undergo surgery. The photo above was the day I returned home from the hospital; Amigo was very happy to have me home. ❤️
I am extremely grateful to my surgeons who performed my surgeries. My oncologist, anesthesiologist, and radiologist, the nurses and hospital staff who saw me through my surgeries. I was fortunate to have 2 of of my friends (golfer girls) volunteer to come stay with me for the first 4 weeks following surgery. They helped around the house, drove me to appointments, and kept things rolling around here. I also finally took the initiative to hire an assistant last summer- she was indispensable and made it possible to sell some homes while I was laid up.
I am grateful for my husband, who had such positive attitude, kept me believing in my full recovery, and loves me unconditionally. He is my rock.
I made the decision to share my diagnosis and journey with friends, family, and shared it on social media. The outpouring of love, encouragement, and support from others was so incredible. I drew the image above to express how much that support lifted me.
Most of all I am grateful to be cancer free now. I still need check ups- but because I caught the cancer early, I am now back to my life, golf, work, and living a very grateful life. ❤️