I avoid visiting doctors and being in a hospital. I know there is a need for "Western medicine". If I am having a heart attack, I definitely want a heart specialist to treat me. If I break a bone, I definitely want an orthopedic specialist to treat me.
If I am feeling "sick" I am not one to take an over-the-counter relief medicine or most definitely not a Big Pharma pharmaceutical. However, when I had COVID and a horrible cough, I did take over-the-counter cough syrup.
When I had surgery for cancer in October 2012, I left the hospital with the pain medicine that was pumped into me. I did not fill the prescription for "pain" meds that I was told to take. Of course, I was in pain. I simply choose not to put certain things into my body.
Meditation, not medication, is a great way to take my mind off pain.
I am a huge fan of Integrative medicine. As defined by the Cleveland Clinic,
"Integrative medicine uses an evidence-based approach to treat the whole person — your mind, body, and soul. Your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs are all involved, so integrative medicine uses a combination of therapies. It “integrates” conventional approaches and complementary therapies to achieve optimal health and healing."
I am grateful for my Integrative medical doctor and her holistic approach to wellness. She monitors my overall health. She looks at biomarkers in blood work, and gut health which play a huge role in our overall metabolic health.
Knowing I am a cancer patient survivor, she recommended I read The Metabolic Approach to Cancer. I love to read and learn. I am grateful for that too. So much of what is in the book I've been implementing and practicing in my daily life.
"Illnesses do not come upon us out of the blue. They are developed from small daily sins against Nature. When enough sins have accumulated, illnesses will suddenly appear." - Hippocrates
"Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease." - Hippocrates
This post is Kathleen Daniels, CPRES, fourth and final gratitude post in the November Gratitude Challenge hosted by the one and only gracious, Debe Maxwell, CRS.