It's so funny that my, "Saturday Soundness" post is on the topic of balance. It has been a busy week and weekend, and I knew I just wouldn't be able to get this post in yesterday. Therefore, here it is late.
I was speaking with another Active Rainer about this topic just this week. As self-employed people, achieving balance in our lives is so, very important. When we find ourselves out of balance in any of the major areas of our lives, we experience all sorts of issues. And, we all know that with prolonged imbalances come the dreaded, dis-ease.
My entire book, Theosynthesis® ~ LIV2DAY is about balance. Our bodies are designed to be constantly desiring to maintain balance. Your blood pressure, sugar levels, heart rate, temperature, and hormones, are all working toward homeostasis. This thought process of achieving balance in all areas of our lives in the mind, body, and spirit was how the word, Theosynthesis® came about.
Here is a quick method to achieve B A L A N C E in your life:
While breathing may seem to be the most natural things we do, the importance of making sure we are taking the time to breathe intentionally is key. When you are feeling stressed or upset, sit quietly and allow yourself to take deep, slow breaths. Each inhalation brings in needed oxygen-rich blood and with each release, you are saying goodbye to toxins and stress.
Your attitude absolutely affects your overall balance and well-being. Stinkin' thinking is harmful to you and to those around you. Just STOP IT! A negative attitude brings you no joy and leaves you dry and parched. Instead, fill yourself with those things that bring you happiness. Also, since you cannot control others, do NOT allow anyone to steal your joy. You CAN control how you react.
Love is the balm for all the hurts in your life. None of us will escape this life without experiencing pain along the way. However, when you fill your heart with love, you will not be able to contain this emotion within yourself. Your love will shine through and will bless those around you.
Acceptance of yourself is crucial for overall balance. Many of us are way too hard on ourselves and we find we spin our wheels until the tread is gone. Take a moment to reflect on the good things about yourself, your life, and those in your life.
Taking the time to nurture your soul is essential. Take a break from the business of your life. Take a walk, read a book, hit the spa, take a nap, pray, meditate, exercise, or do whatever brings life to your soul.
Calmness goes right along with the nurturing of your soul. Remaining in a fight or flight mode elevates the chemical stress hormones in your body. Learning to redirect and remain calm during a crisis is a critically important skill to learn.
We all need energy to make it through our days. Your body like your car, needs to be maintained properly. Nutrition, rest, and proper care will provide you with the needed energy sources for optimal health. The key word is "maintain". It takes work but you are worth it.
B A L A N C E is the key to living your best life. What areas of your life are out of balance? It may be time to take a personal self-check and seek those ways to regain your balance.