Anatomy of a business photo shoot: it's not all glitz and glamour; we are indeed human. Good thing we make a living at real estate instead of modeling!
The photographer wanted to start in our kitchen, and with 3 teenagers, a dog, and 2 busy careers, getting the house ready to be in pictures meant it just had to be "clean enough". That's code for move all the STUFF to areas of the house that won't be in the pictures.
Our rescue Weimaraner, who always needs to be around people and be the center of attention, just couldn't stay out of the way. And each time we tried to get her to sit with us for some pictures, she got bored with it all and walked away. Only to come back seconds later to be right back in the mix.
Then we moved it out to our porch. And there was our oldest son, who (much to our surprise) agreed to take some pictures of the photo shoot happening. But of course, along with that came lots of goofing off. Is he a ninja??
In the meantime, I got bored waiting for my turn and started taking pictures of the behind the scenes.
Awkward photo shoot at home in the middle of the workday, you say? And we don't have to drive anywhere later today? We think that's shorthand for, "Pour a glass of wine"!
It's really a good thing we don't make a living as models...not that we have talent scouts beating a path to our door!
But when all was said and done, the photographer did a fantastic job, and the finished product is way better than we could have expected. And we're glad we could have a little fun along the way!