Giving deserving posts more exposure is what Second Chance Saturday is all about. If you see a deserving post, be sure to tag me in the comment section of any post and watch for it in the next edition of Second Chance Saturday.
When The Path Is Blocked
By: Lou Ludwig
"As I see it..."
Interviewing My Daughter (Unfiltered)
By: Daniel Ramsey
"It doesn't get much more personal than this! Watch me sit down with my own daughter and talk about everything from the privilege of being born into a successful entrepreneurial family, to aspirations of fame and the hard work it takes to accomplish your dreams."
The Truth About Self-Made Millionaires
By: Katerina Gasset
"More than 80% of American millionaires are self-made, they earned it."
What To Do When You Have To Deal With A Deficient Real Estate Agent
By: Marte Cliff
"If you’ve been in real estate sales for long, at some point you’ve had to deal with a deficient real estate agent. They might be incompetent, or unethical, or dishonest, or just plain lazy."
Lifting Another's Candle
By: Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!
“A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.”
--Thomas Jefferson
Anatomy of a Photo Shoot
By: Carmine Rauso & Debbie Rauso
"Anatomy of a business photo shoot: it's not all glitz and glamour; we are indeed human. Good thing we make a living at real estate instead of modeling!"
Wordless Wednesday - Ambassador
By: Leanne Smith
"Yes, indeed we all are ambassadors for our brokerages as well as our communities be they local or here on Active Rain."
Humans Are Safe From Being Replaced By AI... For Now!!!
By: Paddy Deighan MBA JD PhD
"Competitive advantage cannot be achieved without humans. AI is only a tool."
My Thanksgiving Awakening: From Guava Tarts To Pumpkin Pie On St.John
By: Frank Worrell
...don't shy away from the unfamiliar. You never know, it might just be the next delicious chapter in your culinary journey."
Don't miss the upcoming Zoom meetings.
11:00 a.m. Pacific time
12:00 p.m. Mountain time
1:00 p.m. Central time
2:00 p.m. Eastern time
November 21 - Demonstration on how to use AI
Paddy Deighan MBA JD PhD
November 28 - When You Can't Avoid a Scammer - Can You Recognize One?
Roundtable Discussion
Moderated by: Margaret Rome Baltimore 410-530-2400
* * * * *
Also, be sure not to miss these ActiveRain weekly series:
Kathy Streib's Posts Just For You (Published every Sunday)
Bill Spears Ask An Ambassador (Published every Tuesday)
Hannah Williams Steals & Deals (Published on Friday)
Have an amazing weekend!