How to Express Gratitude During Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is the one time during the year where we are prompted to think about others more than ourselves. We all have so many things to be grateful for. Maybe it's waking up in the morning. Do we let God know how grateful we are for the day He has made? Maybe it's a new relationship, or the need for extra income, or even our job situation. Whatever it is, we must always be grateful for the call God has on our lives, the world He so lovingly made, and the people He puts into our lives to draw us closer to Him.
"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is
like wrapping a present and not giving it."
-- William Arthur Ward
Showing gratitude to people who may dislike us or those we just don't get along with is tough. The Lord commands us to love those who we don't get along with in the book of Mathew.
Displaying patience to those who rub us the wrong way. Patience allows us to cool down and gain God's perspective of the person we are interacting with and how we should love them.
"Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love." --Ephesians 4:2
We are also commanded to pray for our enemies. The dictionary describes an enemy as "a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something". While we may not have any enemies out there, we do have those who are opposed or hostile toward us. Dedicate some time asking God to give you His heart for them and pray for them. Hard? It sure is. It may be awkward at first, but as you start to pray for them, you will feel your heart soften towards them and you will begin to have gratitude towards them.
"But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!" --Matthew 5:44
Really, if it wasn't for God, we wouldn't have much to be grateful for. If that is the case for you, why is it so easy to forget to show gratitude towards Him? Like most of us, we get overwhelmed by our schedules, especially during the Thanksgiving season, it appears to be amplified and there is never enough time in a day to do what we set out to do! Just not enough hours in a day right? This is just a quick reminder to put the important things first.
If you need a little nudge, here are some ideas to hopefully jumpstart the ways you can show gratitude this year.
1. Create a list of things you are thankful for and write them down.
2. Smile at everyone you come across (a smile goes a long way. It may also be good for you personally if you are having a rough day.)
3. Cook a meal for someone. Find out someone's favorite dish and make it for them. Invite them over or deliver it.
This is my second post made in fulfillment of the ActiveRain November Challenge by @Debe Maxwell, CRS ...