Thankful Thoughts
When Does Color Peak In Sedona Arizona?
Thankful For Fall In the Cottages At Coffeepot
I love Autumn. So, it stands to reason that every year I would be very thankful for this season.
Recap of 'Thankful Thoughts' Posts
To start this series, my first 'Thankful Thoughts' was about my grandson - "Farewell Halloween Until We Meet Again." I reminisced about my grandson's first few Halloweens and how cute he looked. I am grateful to be a part of his life growing up.
My second post was "Thankful Thoughts - A Very Special Thanksgiving." My first born was announced at Thanksgiving dinner in our new home. This was a special holiday that I will never forget.
Last week's post was "Thankful Thoughts - Meditation In The New Moon." I discussed how I meditate and plan my month right after the new moon. I have been doing this every moon cycle since September 2017. The practice allows me to be grateful for what is to come.
In Past Years...
In past years, I have shown my gratitude for my clients, real estate associates, ActiveRain member, service personnel, as well as our military. However, at this time of year the Sedona color is peaking. It is right in your face every time you walk outside. Every time I walk outside, I see the beauty of Mother Nature and it makes me feel gratitude and thankful to be alive.
A Few Trees Will Hang On Until December
By December it will be over. Of course there will be a few trees and bushes left hanging on to that fall color. The tree, I featured in the picture above was full on Thanksgiving Day, and because we got rain and some wind, most of the leaves are on the ground. I am glad I am thankful I took the time to take that final image.
Southern California Fall...
When I lived in Southern California for around 4 decades, I had to travel into the mountains to appreciate the fall season. Even then, it was just a quick taste. In Southern California, the leaves go from green to brown and at the first sign of Santa Ana winds, every brown leaf is on the ground.
I Love The Crisp Air...
Fall in Sedona is MY Season and I love and appreciate everything about it. I love the crisp air, clear skies, the changing of the leaves, and the anticipation of the upcoming Christmas season. What's not to love?
Plenty of Autumn Color Outside My Doors...
Autumn or Fall Color is plentiful in Sedona and all of northern Arizona. As expected, the color change progresses from north to south, so the Grand Canyon Snowbowl, the White Mountains, and Flagstaff get the first taste of fall color. This process starts in early to mid October.
The picture below shows the color from Midgley Bridge about five-minutes north of Uptown Sedona.
As the climate gets cooler, the color progresses into Oak Creek Canyon. One of most popular places to visit is West Fork Trail in the canyon. Oak Creek meanders through the trail.
By mid to late October, the color change proceeds to Sedona. It is such a beautiful time of year and another reason why we get so many visitors. Many will enjoy hiking in the cooler temperatures.
What I See From My Home...
The 59 second video below shows the local color around my house in the courtyard or backyard. I can open the door anytime and see the beauty of fall.