Earlier this year I joined the "Why aren't you retired club?" I mean it is a fair question and I am getting closer to the "Fall Season" of life!
Yep...tacked another decade on the resume'.
So now everyone asks me when am I going to retire. My pat answer is: "6 to 8 weeks after they plant my sorry butt in the ground!" (I figure that is about how long the last property that is in escrow will take to close).
I hadn't really thought much about retirement as I am about 10 years older than my wife and what the heck would I do every day? I mean I am in an industry that is more mental than physical so as long as my mind is 'razor sharp"...I will stay working full time!
I do have Mach1 Realty set up with an assistant Broker who can take over with a simple 1 page document to the Real Estate Commission if and when it becomes necessary. But the above is not really what this blog is about.
This past summer I decided to have a complete physical. Hadn't had a full one for about 5 years and it was time. I rarely get sick and I rarely think of it.
I am now older than my Mom or Dad were when they passed. My Mom was adopted at birth and we know only a little about her Mom and nothing about her Dad. I track like my Mom and she passed from Leukemia at 67. She was 1/4 Pueblo Indian. Her Mom (my birth Grandma) was not Indian...but European descent who live into her 80's.
That is what I most wanted to know about. Leukemia...or cancer. So we did all of the blood tests and all came back clear for any cancer markers (or whatever they call them). That was great news.
BUT...The hospital was offering a chest scan at a deep discount on price so I paid for it and had it done. I thought why not?
Heart looked very good...BUT....on that scan they thought they saw something on my lower left lung...SO...they did a scan on my lungs that came back negative (good)....BUT...the Lung scan might have shown something...possible cirrhosis on the edge of my Liver...SO...back for a 3rd scan last week...this time of the Liver.
I have not seen results of that scan yet....BUT...in 2 hours I go in for a Liver Biopsy.
Plus they have drawn blood three different times! 4 if you count the missed mess and bruise the one person struggled with and had to hand me off to the other tech.
Talk about checking under the hood...holy cow! It is a bit rusty under there!
So to summarize...I wanted to know how my health was...because hey...even I am not invincible...and now I have had enough tests done that everyone knows me on a first name basis.
At this point the results are: I am Type 2 Diabetic and am now on Ozympic which has really helped lower my Blood Sugars. (Has not changed my weight any.)
I also am taking a calcium reducing drug due to arteries having a bit too much calcium...and this is only for a short while I believe.
Yep...I wanted to know how my Health really was because it appeared to all that I was in great Health...and now I know that even though I am in the top 30% for my age in health... I am still experiencing the typical getting older issues and maintenance and doctor visits are important.
And finally...I am wondering how many more worms they can pull out of that can at the health clinic?
Until Next time...BE careful what you seek to find...there may be a few worms that come along with it!