
FHA 203k projects are all around McAllen TX

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FHA 203k projects are all around McAllen TX

Looking for a HUD 203k consultant in Pharr, Texas, look no farther than McAllen. We have been very busy in this area since we opened an office in McAllen TX. Not to worry we typically see a property and finish a write up within a week or so, ready to go to the appraiser.  We also can handle numerous projects at a time with our crews.

We have seen as many as 4 per day when they are close to each other and are still able to complete them all within that same week and see more. At one time I had 189 projects under construction at the same time, the problem I had with that is that my wife would be standing at the back door wanting me to provide proof it was me when I arrived home late.

In any case, if you have a project we have a solution. We currently have projects going in Brownsville, McAllen, Edinberg, San Juan, San Benito, and Los Ebanos. Lets add your next project to the list of satisfied clients.  Join our team.

We have been conducting renovation consultaing since 1994 for FHA and since 1995 when I convenced FNMA in DC to allow consultants on their new renovation product a week before it was rolled out at a meeting of mortgage lenders that we were able to attend. FNMA announced at that meeting they were coming out with their HomeStyle® Renovation Mortgage and you didn't need a consultant. I stood up and when he called on my, I asked why did he just tell 600 of my clients they don't need me. He appologized and announced he wasn't aware that consultants were active politically and then told everyone that consultants could be used and that he would be wrapping up the guideline later that week and would be sure to clear that up in the guideline.

Well, here we are on 5/14/2024 and we just got another in Brownsville, TX. That is four more since we wrote this post

Posted by

Mike Young, 203k Team Leader    Mike ready for your 203k order

To learn more about the FHA 203k loan program go to www.203kOnLine.comWhat is your fee? 

Got a 203k project giving you "fits" contact "203k 911". If you are looking for quality 203k software for consultants and lenders to speed up the underwriting process..

877-207-6565, state your name when asked. Please, it is dialing me at the same time. If you know a renovation contractor who wants more business have them visit for their FREE listing.

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