Giving deserving posts more exposure is what Second Chance Saturday is all about. If you see a deserving post, be sure to tag me in the comment section of any post and watch for it in the next edition of Second Chance Saturday.
Two Steps That Will Help You Move Closer To Your Dreams
By: Lou Ludwig
"As I see it..."
Examples of the Reason To Be Cautious About AI
By: Paddy Deighan MBA JD PhD
"This illustrates that AI cannot be trusted!!!
An Endorphin Boost For a Smile
By: Dr. Paula McDonald
"When life becomes a bit stressful, having your endorphins kick in will provide you with a needed boost. And, this boost doesn't involve unnecessary calories or require you to exercise. Who doesn't LOVE that?"
2023 Word of the Year: Embracing Authenticity
By: Dorie Dillard Austin TX
"The eagerly anticipated Merriam-Webster's Word of the Year for 2023 has been revealed, and it's none other than 'authentic.' "
Your Relationship With Change Will Dictate the Quality of Your Life
By: Dan Dee McGinnis The Pumpkin Man
"Now is the time to prepare and plan for your success in real estate for 2024, with the understanding 2024 won't quite turn out as you expect."
GRATITUDE (4): Embracing the Golden Years of Retirement
By: Aura Alex
"As the sun set and cast a warm golden glow over the water of the Olympic Peninsula, I sat on a bench, feeling grateful for retirement."
Real Estate SEO
By: Realtyna Inc
"Nowadays many businesses, including those in the real estate field, rely on online presence, something that seems inseparable from so many success stories. And what is the most important part of the online presence?"
Don't miss the upcoming Zoom meetings.
11:00 a.m. Pacific time
12:00 p.m. Mountain time
1:00 p.m. Central time
2:00 p.m. Eastern time
December 5 - Current Credit Overview
William Piotrowski and Jim Paulson
December 12 - TBD
December 19 - Business Planning & Time Management
Captain Wayne - Rowlett Real Estate School
December 26 - TBD
* * * * *
Also, be sure not to miss these ActiveRain weekly series:
Kathy Streib's Posts Just For You (Published every Sunday)
Bill Spears Ask An Ambassador (Published every Tuesday)
Hannah Williams Steals & Deals (Published on Friday)
Have an amazing weekend!