
To Train or Not to Train that is the question

Mortgage and Lending with London Financial Capital

Organisations large and small are looking for ways to reduce their operating costs in the current financial climate; the number of staff is being paired down and budgets are being slashed.

Training often falls into the category of - we can't afford to spend X on training, we need to use that money for infrastructure or - if we spend the money on training we will have to lose a member of the team.

I would argue that this is short-sighted. In this day and age more and more senior people are being asked to create their own documents. Gone are the days where a middle manager had their own personal secretary by right. Nowadays with the advanced software capabilities we all have, there is no need for a secretary - right? You can just write your own articles, reports, letters etc.

So when asked to create an all singing all dancing document what do you do to access the skills that you need?