It was announced today The Villages had plans approved by a magistrate for 3,700 new homes to be built on 1,483 acres. The tract of land is north of Middleton, east of County Road 470 and stops at the Sumter Lake County line. This area is included in the Wildwood Planning and Zoning Board coverage area.
Two things in the news release stood out to me, Wildwood has authorized the construction of 50,000 homes south of State Road 44 which is twice the size of the number home in The Villages north of 44. They also shared The Villages eventually will reach State Road 48 at the city limits of Center Hill. Look at the map I have included, from north to south The Villages would be 31 miles. Estimates now put the current population at 155,000 by 2045 it is expected to top 300,000. To think back in the 70’s the beginning of The Villages was a 400-unit mobile home park!
Dick Betts, REALTOR®
The Betts Team
Touchstone Real Estate
The Villages, Florida
717-860-3107 cell
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