Good afternoon and hello there again from my home in Cottage Grove, MN. Hope this email finds you doing well this Christmas day and had an awesome weekend. Wishing you and your family a: MERRY CHRISTMAS. May this time be spent with family, kids, special friends or your 4 legged kids. Sharing the last Tim's Time Outs of the year.
When life seems difficult, it's because you are comparing the way things are to how good you know they can be. That's actually a good thing, because it connects you with your positive expectations.
Each time you encounter what feels like difficulty, remind yourself to also notice your positive expectations, possibilities and all the blessing in your life. Let that feeling of difficulty lead to a feeling of empowerment.
You know, without a doubt, that things CAN BE BETTER...and knowing that, you are just one step away from beginning to make things better.
Yes, you could choose to become dismayed or have a pity pot party about the difficulties...yet a much more powerful choice is to become excited about the positive possibilities and all the many blessing you do have.
The challenges and difficulties can give you something very valuable. They can give you specific ways to make a positive difference.
When life seems difficult, respond with GRATITUDE and ENTHUSIASM! Then get busy transforming those difficulties in POSITIVE, and a MEANINGFUL VALUE!~Ralph Marson.
"Be grateful for what you have and stop complaining. It bores everybody else, does you NO good, and doesn't solve ANY problems"~Zig Ziglar
May your Christmas day and week be filled with family, love, joy, gratitude and many blessings.
All the best,