I have given bible studies and messages in Senior Citizen Homes and Assisted Living Homes and Nursing homes visiting senior citizens over the past 15 years.
The bible studies are good for young and old alike, especially the stories that are appreciated by the seniors such as Moses and the crossing of sea, David and Goliath, Jesus walking on water, Jesus healing the lame man at the pool of Siloam and the other gospel accounts etc.
However one of the most enjoyed gifts, one that you might not expect, is Alexa. Yes, the virtual assistant and voice synthesizer also know as the Echo Dot. No, you say, not Alexa that is too confusing for the elderly in their late 80s and 90s. On the contrary it is actually a real blessing and creator of joy and tears. Many of the individuals in Assisted Living and Nursing homes cannot see well enough to read or even comprehend as in their youth. This makes the spoken word and stories even more meaningful and enjoyable for these seniors.
Over, the years several world war 2 veterans and their wives (the great generation) that I had visited have passed living their last years in assisted living. That great generation had many songs that they heard and still love when they were dating or engaged before and during the great war.
Now, where does Alexa come in? It is a great way to start conversations and bring back memories.
I ask the senior, where were you born and raised? They may say Topeka Kansas. I ask Alexa, what is the weather today in Topeka Kansas? Alexa immediately answers. I ask the senior where did they go to high school? They may say, Topeka High School. Alexa then answers questions about Topeka High School.
I ask them what their favorite song was after they graduated high school? They may say "I'll Be Seeing You". I ask Alexa to play "I'll Be Seeing You". Jimmy Durante's version comes up and tears abound around the room with "ahhhs" as the seniors of the Greatest Generation remember their loved ones of years gone by. This song very popular during the war years before and as the soldiers returned home after the war's end.
The seniors love listening to their old songs that are no longer played on their radios. They no longer own their old records, it is as those old songs and memories had disappeared. Not with Alexa. Magic happens! Sure they may need a younger person to make Alexa talk and sing, but it is still magic.
Oh, by the way Alexa also reads the bible to them.
Did I say, the Alexa is a great gift for seniors?