Yesterday was a difficult day, in the life of ActiveRain. The platform was slow, and commenting, nay even viewing, was difficult. 500 Server errors were common and that damnable rain-coated Chihuahua kept showing his un-welcomed face. It was frustrating as heck.
It made it very uncomfortable to play in the rain. I've gotten very used to popping in to play here in the rain. I don't post, nearly as frequently as I used to, but I continue to pop in at least daily to read posts, peruse the main blogroll, and stroll through the Q&A section, typically shaking my head whilst I make a comment or two. Yesterday was frustrating.
But it reminded me that for the last year (or more?), ActiveRain, due to the impressive efforts of Ben and his new development team, has rather quietly become fairly stable. And the proof for that is yesterday when we had a very unstable day, we kind of freaked the heck out.
If you think back a year or more, the kind of day we had yesterday was "the norm". We were crashing with regularity, unable to post, seeing server errors, seeing that stupid velvet curtain (remember that one?), that angry anorexic dog all the damned time. And while we do still see the occasional issue... I can't remember the last time we had a day like yesterday.
And in the past, we had to fend for ourselves, and this time... we had communications from ARMS, the very first thing in the freakin' morning, and later in the morning, from our very own inimitable Debe Maxwell, CRS. (Thank you, Debe)
So, I find myself, rather than filled with angst and grief on this first day of the Neuest Jahr, I find myself grateful and hopeful. Because today the platform is cruising down the information superhighway like a purring Jaguar... smooth and powerful.
Thank you ActiveRain. Job well done.