Good Day All...Even to You AI programs that may be perusing this Blog.
I am making a feeble rejoinder to the request of Carol Williams and Margaret Rome to participate in the Jan 2024 AR Blog Challenge:
I have my trusty cup of coffee by my side and am ready to let these fingers blaze across the keyboard writing this dissertation!!
Side note #1: Look up the synonyms for the word "blog". I am surprised to witness that the choices of a synonym for this memoir are few and quite frankly...pathetic.
So the assignment for this Blog is to share our thoughts on AI and where we stand on it's use and its rapid approach to Terminator status. (My words)
Side note #2: Because of the AR font in use...AI looks like Al to me yet are not the same. .....................Al (capital letters) as in Artificial Intelligence ......................................................... ......versus Al (capital A and lower case l) as in Al Bundy. But I am maundering here.
Isn't it incredible though? Someone merged 145+ year old technology with modern technology and BOOM... we are able to type on a keyboard very similar to the ones used by the 22nd President's staff...and yet it shows up on an electronic screen in front of our very eyes...the likes that did not exist when some of us were born. That in itself is a victory for AI!
Side note #3: Yes, I know the theory of a computer was first proffered 200 years ago but let's not split hairs here...WAIT!!!! Could this have been the beginning of Artificial Intelligence?
Can you imagine where we would be if they had Spellchek back then?
Ok ... so let's separate the wheat from the chaff here and get to the bottom of what do I really think about AI?
The truth? It excites and scares the hell out of me all at once!
I can already see so many wonderful tools and examples of it use. Both positive and negative.
Positive: I just had a friend who had a knee replaced by a robot a month ago and is doing extremely well. Will be going in for the other knee in a few weeks. Hopefull they will remember to switch the code from left to right.
Your garage door has been using AI for years with those sensors.
Vehicles practically drive themselves with all the AI in them these days.
Yesterday, my very sick sister in Dallas had a code blue episode in the hospital. Her husband was hollering at the doorway to the room seconds before the AI infused machines and monitors lit up as he saw her slipping the human mind is still faster than a lot of AI!! (Yes she is still hanging in there)
Perhaps the greatest accomplishment is the Channel need to keep having kids so you have a live remote channel changer...all can be done with a little long tube in your hand...if you are smart enough to figure it out...only 53 possible ways to press buttons on my office remote. If you think this is not are nuts...that channel changer is way smarter than you and I!!
Negative: There are still bad guys all over the world scheming on how to use AI to their advantage...some of these are lifelong criminals and some are merely elected criminals officials.
Whether it is being able to scam someone with the software on their computer...or locking bank accounts and holding them for much worse things such as gaining access to warheads and controlling data used by planes, trains, and automobiles...bad "guys" are always on the prowl.
Side note #4: The word "guy" is meant to represent all humans!!
One thing is for certain...rudementary Artificial Intelligence is here to stay and will continue to evolve.
As I mentioned in my comments to Carol earlier this week...
"Completely independent AI is coming and while it will have many benefits in the right will screw up many a thing in the future when it falls into the wrong hands.
My recommendation is to stay vigilant...have a plan in place for when the Internet implodes either because of infrastucture issues or AI destroys it...and have a vehicle that does not rely on computers.
I also recommend that you pray that AI does not learn how to override nuclear missile safeguards or fall into the wrong hands.
If you are might want to start on your Terminator skills!!
Typically I am an optimist...but AI is not very high on my list of postive changes in the world."
I am now over twice the minimum in words required for this now I will use my AI infused camera for a wonderful Artificially generated photo that you can see above...and I will be done with this blog.
Until Next time when my Brain decides to write another blog without the help of AI ...
Be Good or Be Good At It!