What to Do When the Dog Show Starts…
Ok…yes… the 501 error has been a pain in the behind. Alan May wrote an excellent post about it and I agree with what he said. Here’s the link to Umbrellas at the ready, into the new year we go!
However given that from time to time (much less than in the past) we will see the proverbial 501 error sign or the dog, then here are some tips to might help when you can’t get on ActiveRain.
What to do when the dog show starts…
~Call or text another member and ask if they are experiencing issues with the platform
~Check in with the Facebook groups Bananatude or ActiveRain Peeps
~Reboot your computer
~Try opening the site using a different browser
~Delete your cookies. You can grab some cookies to eat while you do this as well.
~Write your marketing posts.
~Work on your marketing “To Do” list
~If you still need your ActiveRain “fix” pick up the phone and call a member. Find out what their market is doing.
And, when all else fails, GET OUT! Get some fresh air…go for a walk…meet someone for coffee. Experience life! ActiveRain will still be here!