Ranch homes on over an acre for sale in DFW
DFW farm and ranch over 10 acres and under $500,000
DFW Farm and ranch over 10 acres and over $500,000 to $1.1mil
Dreaming of having your own farm or ranch here in Texas? Here are several links to view available properties that are currently for sale, or coming soon. In most Texas counties, over 10 acres allows a lot of freedom for raising livestock, keeping bees, hunting on your land, and of course, having privacy.
Most counties have rules on keeping your property ag exempt also, needing a minimum of 5 to 10 or 10 to 15 acres to maintain that exemption and keeping your taxes low! If you're moving here from out of state and purchasing a current ag exempt property, make sure you are going to continue to run agricultural purposes on the property or you will be subject to rollback taxes for 5 years!
From the appraisaldistrictguide.com site, here is some information regarding ag exemptions. Each county is different and as a buyer you will need to satisfy yourself as to the property usages and allowances per each county!
- The land must be devoted principally to agricultural use. Agricultural use includes producing crops, livestock, poultry, fish, or cover crops. It also can include leaving the land idle for a government program or for normal crop or livestock rotation. Land used for raising certain exotic animals (including exotic birds) to produce human food or other items of commercial value qualifies.
- Using land for wildlife management is an agricultural use, if such land was previously qualified open-space land and is actively used for wildlife management. Wildlife management land must be used in at least three of seven specific ways to propagate a breeding population of wild animals for human use.
- Agricultural land must be devoted to production at a level of intensity that is common in the local area.
- The land must have been devoted to agricultural production for at least five of the past seven years. However, land within the city limits must have been devoted continuously for the preceding five years, unless the land did not receive substantially equal city services as other properties in the city.
If land receiving an agricultural appraisal changes to a non-agricultural use, the property owner who changes the use will owe a rollback tax. The rollback tax is due for each of the previous five years in which the land received the lower appraisal. The rollback tax is the difference between the taxes paid on the land's agricultural value and the taxes paid if the land had been taxed on its higher market value. Plus, the owner pays 7 percent interest for each year from the date the taxes would have been due.
We are here to help. If you have specific requirements that the links above cannot find what you are looking for, reach out to our Group and we will send you more detailed listings.
Thank you to Lawson Honey for the beehive photo! Lawson Honey is a local mid-cities DFW beekeeping family that will help you to build, set up and maintain your hives at great rates. Jessica Lawson will also mentor the public in beekeeping so that you can become a beekeeper of your own hives. Make sure to check out their facebook page and contact Jessica today!