Quail Valley in New Braunfels in just north of Oak Creek Elementary School accessible from Goodwin Rd, Conrads or IH35. The community was built about 2004- 2008. There is a mix of single and 2 story homes.
Last year the average sale price was $301K which was a 6.5% increase from the previous year.
10 homes sold in 2023 the smallest was under 1000 sq ft. the largest was about 2650 sq ft. The average home was 1750 sq ft and sold at about $278K. at 98% of asking.
There are currently 5 homes for sale. Ranging from $235K, a little over 1100 sq ft-$329K at almost 1700 sq ft. The average days on market is 98.
79% of the residents are homeowners. Other fun facts, an estimated 4000 people reside in this HOA area. The average age is 31. The average person commutes 27 minutes to work.
There are several HOA's in the Community. Quail Valley HOA, Wildwood, LCP Management are all named as HOA's in the area. per CTXMLS. I can't remember the story of why one community has multiple HOA's but there you go. They all seem to be $75 a quarter, with no amenities. Tax rate is 1.97.
If you are interested in moving to this neighborhood or somewhere else in New Braunfels. You know what to do.
Call me! I'm Karen