There was a time when I considered Artificial Intelligence to be someone who pretended to know the subject matter but was posturing instead. I also had another name for it that I abbreviated with the letters BS.
That was before computers became so powerful, that they could simulate human thought, and before data warehousing became so inexpensive that every bit of information could be saved for future use.
With today’s Artificial Intelligence, we have arrived at a threshold where computers can rival human thought and do it faster than most humans.
So, how do we address this new technology? How do we use it to our advantage?
As someone who has always avoided the bleeding edge of technology, I have approached AI with caution, using it only as a learning tool.
Using AI tools like Hemingway Editor and Pro Writing Aid enhances my writing skills. Asking a Bot to “describe a fixer-upper in flattering terms” is a fast way to write a property description without inserting my personal preferences into the text.
Virtual staging software makes it easy to visualize a room filled with modern appointments. A godsend for those who cannot imagine how a vacant home will fill their needs.
For this article, I used an AI text-to-image generator giving it only the instruction “before and after house remodel”. It gave me several images.
AI is good, but no matter how well written the AI Bot cannot describe the feeling of entering a hoarder’s house or the foul odor of a property that has been abused. That remains a challenge that only a human being can face. I doubt that emotions are something an AI Bot can simulate.
I still prefer, and always will, original ideas. For now, and in the foreseeable future AI doesn’t generate original thoughts. It only reassembles facts from known ideas.
We truly are at the bleeding edge of this new technology. I have a lot to learn. The reality Is that at my age I may never live to see the day when Artificial Intelligence will replace my original ideas. That era is likely reserved for the younger generation. I hope they can maintain control of these systems before they become the new Tower of Babbel.
Will AI become my partner in helping to solve problems that would normally take days or weeks to untangle? The answer is unequivocal, YES! But when, I cannot answer.
Like humans, AI is not perfect, at least not yet. Will it ever be? Only time will tell.
The images used in this article were generated using an AI text-to-image application. No camera is involved.
Joe Domino is a Realtor® serving the Phoenix/Scottsdale area. Need more information? Or to Search for your next home, visit