Margaret Rome Baltimore 410-530-2400 and Carol Williams are co-hosting the first ActiveRain Challenge of 2024
We are asked to share which side of the AI Coin we are on.
- Embracing or Loving AI
- Resisting or Hating AI
Embracing AI
Not yet. I have committed to dabble in it and determine from there if I will embrace AI or break up before a love fest even gets started.
AI is neither embraced by me in my business or my personal life.
Since I did commit to dabble and explore using AI I found a video to help guide me on the do's and don'ts and how to "train" AI to be more like me. Just the words "train AI to be more like me" are freaky and creepy!
Resisting AI
I am in the Resisting AI Camp. It is not that I do not know how because I can learn. It is a matter of not wanting (choosing) to.
Admittedly, I am resistant to change. Having grown up with the dinosaurs, I am “old school”. The operative word there is "school".
I understand the concept of “eat or be eaten” and "survival of the fittest".
My Primary Issues and Concerns with AI
- Privacy - AI is not the only technology where privacy is an issue. That horse left the barn a long time ago.
- Ethical Considerations - how it can be used with less than ethical intent. An example is fake information, disinformation, and bold-faced lies that people believe and rely upon.
- Mind Manipulation - Control - If we can control the media we can control the people. We have seen this in history and the carnage that it created.
- Constitutional Violations - When the Gov-m$nt has any involvement or control whatsoever I am always concerned.
- Evil - We see how AI is used for evil intent. One example that comes immediately to my mind is the use of voice manipulation. Using someone's voice and saying things that person did not say.
- Copyright - I know AI slices and dice information (content, data, photos, etc.) scrubbed from the World Wide Web and creates something new from it. I've spent months writing content for a Santa Clara County Probate Real Estate website. Hours and hours of research are involved before I use my brain (God's provided computer) to create original content.
Many components of AI have been used for years. Examples are tracking internet searches, tracking what we buy, tracking our location, and listening from our phones. I've been talking on my landline office phone (yes, I still have one) with my cell phone nearby and the cell phone answers a question without me asking the cell phone. CREEPY. Now that is not a privacy issue at all.
Should we bother mentioning the "corporate leadership" behind the BIG corporations with Control?
Hacking and security breaches seem to be daily occurrences. I’ve had more breaches from companies that require me to provide my personal information which is stored in a safe and secure location. Yep, until the site is HACKED and the information is stolen and used to harm. Yet I confess, that may be the least of the harm AI can do to harm humanity.
This is Kathleen Daniels, Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist (CPRES) entry in the January 2024 Challenge: AI - Love It Or Hate It