For February 10 2024 in the Fulton Middle School area, which included Courreges and Tamura Elementary schools, there are homes for sale in just about every price range to live in. The neighborhoods in the Fulton boundaries are: This area in Fountain Valley is one of the top five school districts in Orange county. Here is your market information on how many of each type of homes are for sale, how many homes have sold this month and how many day the home were on the Market:
•Single Family Home 12 Active Listings. Price Range: $1,000,000 to $1,500,000
•Townhome/Condos 1 Active Listings. Price Range : $600,000 to $900,000
•Homes Sold This Month 11 Price Range : $1,20,000 to $1,460,000
•Average days on Market: For Single Family Homes 6 For Townhome/Condo
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Mark Artesani 714 315-1098
Keller Williams
Keller Williams Newport Estates Ca DRE: #01487161
Newport Beach, Ca