
To B or not to B

Real Estate Agent with Realty Austin 0438535

Today it appears even harder to be a real estate agent. The new lawsuits / settlements from the mega agencies, more pages in the contracts, more threats from the industry about what we can and cannot say..... It can seem as if it's a daunting task just to simply stay in the business. 

But then you have "that client and closing". You know the one. You go to the closing for the first time home buyer who had her parents help her in the transaction and see and hear the total joy she has about getting the keys to her new home. 

She continues to say how excited she is about owning her new home after she was, before, trying to find a place to rent for her and her two sweet pit bulls. 

The huge yard, privacy and great floorpan and incredible deal you were blessed to find made her dream of home ownership a reality. 

This is one of the reasons we do what we do. 

There are many hurdles, details, mountains to climb just to get a deal brought across the finish line and, at times we feel the world is conspiring to bring us to our knees. 

But we keep on keeping on looking for the pathway to serve another once again.

To be a Realtor you must also be an investigator, psychologist, mediator, negotiator and many times referee just to keep the deal from going south. And we also have to deal with the irrefutable fact that God has a sense of humor! 

However, at the end of the day, we keep moving forward because we are just crazy enough to somehow enjoy the journey.......  

Posted by

Steve Siegwalt Realtor®

Realty Austin 

My Website


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Bill Salvatore - East Valley
Arizona Elite Properties - Chandler, AZ
Realtor - 602-999-0952 / em:

Welcome to the Rain. Enjoyed your blog page, and I added you as a follower. I would love the follow back. Also, then we both get 50 points. Bill

Feb 15, 2024 05:04 AM
Steve Siegwalt

It appears, Bill, I already follow you! 😎

Feb 15, 2024 11:27 AM