This summer will make 20 years since I started in real estate, and while a lot has changed, a lot of the fundamentals haven't.
It's a people business.
It's a numbers game.
And there's absolutely no reason to reinvent the wheel for much of what we do. That doesn't mean continuous improvement shouldn't stay front and center, but there's also no need to start from scratch when you're in the 1,268th iteration of a certain task.
To deal with what I have on my daily plate, I have to effectively use my time, and one of the ways to do that is to standardize some tasks. That's one of the places blogging can come in handy.
Do you have FAQ posts written and ready to reference? Whether you copy them to an email or just send a link, when I get a home owner asking for their home's photos to be removed from our Sold IDX feed, I'm pointing them to the How To post on our Wordpress site.
Someone wants more info on that listing that sold 2 years ago? I've got an email for that along with an explanation of where on the home's listing to find the Status.
Need a picture for a blog post? If I don't have anything of my own, I'm going straight to, I can almost always find a useful photo.
Writing my 100th subdivision post? I've got a template for the information I want to include.
Market reports? Template for that too.
Long tail searches. Take a wild guess if I have a template?
Don't have a template? Just take a look at the right sidebar when you're in ActiveRain's blog editor and find the selection.
Again, there's no reason to reinvent the wheel. The easier it is to perform a task, the less brain strain and the quicker you can move on to your next task.
And perhaps the biggest time saver of all? Realizing that there's nothing wrong with saying NO. We're not meant to work with everyone that calls. Recognize the red flags whenever possible and stick to what you do best.
Until next Tuesday, just Ask An Ambassador if you need help,
Bill & Liz aka BLiz