Dream to reality board.
This is the 2024 dream to reality board that has been years in the making. My wife turned 65 on December 30, 2023 and has been a dedicated server in the local school district food service program for the 23 years. There have been 3 different companies running the program all those years and she has been looking forward to the end of this school year and hanging up her apron for the last time. My business is going to be changing owners if everything works out for both parties. My employee wants to buy the company and I would be a part-time marketing rep continuing to visit realtor offices and attend association meetings and lunch and learn events, chamber of commerce and charity events. This will hopefully be able to be set in place by June 2024, same time as my wife is finished with the school year. No more crawl spaces and creepy hot attics.
What to do with all the free time you may ask? We have never taken a lot of trips in the US and we have some great ideas where to start. National Parks, Baseball and football hall of fame, Washington DC, New Orleans, San Francisco, great restaurants, fun out of the way places, art galleries, Green Bay Packers game. The list is endless.
Locally, we both have E-bikes now and have had a great time riding on our local trails and parks. If you've never ridden one, try it out and you will love it. Hot weather, we still ride. Big hills? Still ride. Really windy? Yup, still ride. Great exercise but not so much to kill us every ride.
But the very best part of retiring is more time to hang out with our grandchildren. We have 5 total, but the two in the board are the ones that live closest and have school pictures. Clover and Elliot. Clover is the boy. Clover and I are best buddies and spend a lot of time playing hot wheels, legos, puzzles, going on hikes, getting haircuts at a local salon then pancakes at IHOP. We have a blast. Nothing beats grandchildren, I highly recommend getting some of your own.