
Zoom Call 2.27.24 Tom Hurley Inspection Overview

Real Estate Agent with Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754

Zoom Call 2.27.24 Tom Hurley  Inspection Overview

Zoom Call 2.27.24 Tom Hurley  Inspection Overview

The Zoom call this week was presented by Tom Hurley, an Inspector from Sheriden, WY.    His business is Double H Inspections, LLC and he's been working at it for about 4 years.  In what he describes as the wild, wild west regarding consistency with inspections and real estate, he has endeavored to bring professionalism and consistency to his craft and keep the drama out.

 His approach has been to make the process and his reports as simple as possible for his clients to understand yet give full details of what he sees.

He has taken several inspection form guides to make one that he feels does the job without sending off alarms.  His preferred manner to perform his inspections is to have access to the property alone and to get through it before he receives the buyers and their agent. He feels this reduces the drama and should he find something, he has a chance to look at it alone and not have an anxious buyer looking over his shoulders.

With the buyer, he will then do his systematic walk and explain what he sees and what would be a periodic maintenance area to watch and also what may or may not need immediate attention.

He works to the reality of the home and its age and is mindful of not detailing hat may or may not be building code issues, especially if they were not in effect when the house was built.

He may offer some advice on updating for safety but that is also with the idea that the house was not required to have certain things when constructed.  

For areas that may be questionable, he advises buyers to call in specific specialists which takes the issues out of his purview.

Zoom Call 2.27.24 Tom Hurley  Inspection OverviewHe noted that countrywide, only 30 states regulate inspections and even where he lives, there are no requirements or guidelines to being an inspector.

As he stated, his purpose is to be there to look at functionality and safety within the home and provide that in the report to the client.

He offers the basic mechanical inspection as well as structural. He does Radon, sewer inspections but doesn't do termite inspections. He also does water samples but doesn't do full well inspections.

He also does new construction inspections and has even been given the exclusive work for a new home builder that wants him to look at all their projects before they turn over to a new owner.

As Radon is so prevalent in his area, he gave his thoughts on how he does it and the cost of the monitors used and the requirements to have them re-calibrated annually.

There was also some conversation with regards to the finding of lead in a well system. He does not offer any service to remediate that but when found strongly encourages a specialist be brought in to discuss the issue and the options available.

 A question was asked regarding inground oil tanks and whether they are common out there. He did offer that they are not very common but has also not been asked to inspect any. 

Zoom Call 2.27.24 Tom Hurley  Inspection Overview

His inspections are typically 2-3 hours long and as noted he prefers to get through the bulk of it alone, and then have the buyer and their agents in for the final review.

He will give a report to the buyer and their agent and at that point it falls to the agent to do what they need regarding any repairs.

He has had sellers there during the inspection and it has been unconformable as they can get argumentative.

He tries not to be an alarmist with his reports and avid making any notations in red unless it is important.

He has a system of 3 levels of attention to his work.
1   FYI, maintenance and recommended upgrades
2  Defects
3  Major Defects with everything delineated.

He responds to clients after they have had a chance to review the report to answer any questions they may have raised after leaving the home.

His work is paid upfront as that is when he is providing the service and if they don't buy the house that is not his issue.

There was some conversation on electrical panels and specifically those made by Federal Pacific that seem to have an inordinate number of issues with breakers not functioning properly.

The presentation was very informative and the manner in which he made it demonstrated an inspector that would be in high demand and extremely professional.

Zoom Call 2.27.24 Tom Hurley  Inspection Overview

Posted by


Edward (Ed) Silva

 Broker Associate

Mapleridge Realty LLC

Serving Central Connecticut Sellers and Buyers

My Blog
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C:  203-206-0754
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Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!
Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374 - St. George, UT
The best agent in Southern Utah!

Simplicity is best, especially using language that is concise and easy to comprehend, Ed, thank you again for the overview. I enjoyed the zoom meeting with Tom and appreciate his working style!

Feb 29, 2024 09:00 AM
Ed Silva, 203-206-0754
Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754 - Waterbury, CT
Associate Real Estate Broker

Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!   His manner is identical to that of the inspector I normally use, and it is for that low key manner and non-alarmist that makes him so different.

Feb 29, 2024 09:10 AM
Will Hamm
Hamm Homes - Aurora, CO
"Where There's a Will, There's a Way!"

Hello Ed and what a great zoom call with lots of questions, We need to get more people for these zoom calls some how.

Feb 29, 2024 09:12 AM
Carol Williams
Although I'm retired, I love sharing my knowledge and learning from other real estate industry professionals. - Wenatchee, WA
Retired Agent / Broker / Prop. Mgr, Wenatchee, WA

Hi Ed,
Tom's presentation was very interesting. I hope he comes back for another session.

Feb 29, 2024 09:26 AM
Lawrence "Larry" & Sheila Agranoff. Cell: 631-805-4400
The Top Team @ Charles Rutenberg Realty 255 Executive Dr, Plainview NY 11803 - Plainview, NY
Long Island Condo and Home Specialists

Not easy getting an inspector who's not an alarmist.  We have met some that we would NEVER recommend, so Tom seems to be doing right by his clients.

Feb 29, 2024 10:47 AM
George Souto
George Souto NMLS #65149 - Middletown, CT
Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert

Ed thanks for the recap.  I could not be on the call this week because my wife had to have a stay in the hospital to monitor a new drug they wanted to put her on, and admission time was the same time as the ZOOM meeting.

Feb 29, 2024 12:55 PM
Kathy Streib

George Souto hope all is going well with your wife. 

Feb 29, 2024 06:04 PM
Hannah Williams
HomeStarr Realty - Philadelphia, PA
Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376

Ed Silva, 203-206-0754  Sorry I missed it sounds like an interesting Zoom meeting but I was writing an agreement 

Feb 29, 2024 03:54 PM
Kathy Streib
Cypress, TX
Home Stager/Redesign

Hi Ed- I enjoyed his presentation!  I wish we could see the bunker he discussed! 

Feb 29, 2024 06:06 PM
Jeff Dowler, CRS
eXp Realty of California, Inc. - Carlsbad, CA
The Southern California Relocation Dude

Hi Ed:

Very nice recap for those who could not attend Tom Hurley's presentation. He did a great job and clearly is very professional, thorough, and experienced in his home inspector's role. It's such a critical and valuable part of any purchase transaction and needs to provide the necessary information so buyers know what they are buying.


Feb 29, 2024 07:30 PM
Ed Silva, 203-206-0754
Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754 - Waterbury, CT
Associate Real Estate Broker

Will Hamm   Participation has been the issue for many areas of the platform and that is why the push to get newbies more involved.

Carol Williams   He would be my choice for an inspector. No overbearing, look what I know, just the essentials and in a calm, manner.

Mar 01, 2024 04:51 AM
Ed Silva, 203-206-0754
Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754 - Waterbury, CT
Associate Real Estate Broker

Lawrence "Larry" & Sheila Agranoff. Cell: 631-805-4400   I have one of those in my area and he does a perfect job with the facts and no drama.

George Souto   Hope all went well for your wife. He may well be back again.

Mar 01, 2024 04:52 AM
Ed Silva, 203-206-0754
Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754 - Waterbury, CT
Associate Real Estate Broker

Hannah Williams   Paying the bills always comes first.

Kathy Streib   That was my thought and maybe he will post a blog about it.

Mar 01, 2024 04:54 AM
Ed Silva, 203-206-0754
Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754 - Waterbury, CT
Associate Real Estate Broker

Jeff Dowler, CRS    All his training in the field allows him to see the issues. He has to be good to have a new builder pick him as the inspector for all the new homes they build.

Mar 01, 2024 04:55 AM
Brian England
Ambrose Realty Management LLC - Gilbert, AZ
MBA, GRI, REALTOR® Real Estate in East Valley AZ

I am bummed that I missed this, sounds like Tom Hurley is a very good inspector!

Mar 01, 2024 05:39 AM
Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

Thank you very much, Ed, for sharing this Zoom session report.

Mar 01, 2024 06:41 AM