March 2 is Dr. Seuss Day, also known as "Read Across America Day". When March 2 falls on a weekend, as it does this year, it is celebrated on the closest weekday. Hence in 2024 it occurs on Friday, March 1st so that American schoolchildren can enjoy this special day.
Reading a Dr. Seuss classic such as "The Cat in the Hat", "Green Eggs and Ham" or "Hop on Pop" is a great way to enjoy this day.
Reading is one of my favorite activities. Yet being dyslexic, learning to read and write "right" was a challenge. My poor mother despaired sometimes, seeing my reams and reams of carefully printed words-comprised of upside-down and backwards letters.
While I don't remember the exact details or a special "a-ha" moment, I do recall Mrs. Johnson, my teacher in Second Grade was especially encouraging, giving me tons of extra paper and pencils to practice with, and eventually I "got it" and succeeded at reading and writing. She even gave me a Betty Crocker Cookbook for Children as a reward at the end of the year. My family and I have enjoyed recipes from it for decades.
To celebrate early, I checked out a new book from the library today and look forward to reading it tonight to get a "leap ahead" (as it's Leap Year Day February 29th) on Read Across America Day. What book will you read?
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