
The Value of Activerain's Real Estate Network

Education & Training with Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp Non-Licensed

The value and power of Activerains Real Estate Network is not measurable in my honest opinion. Your path, story, journey, and experience will be unique and custom to you, only you, and no one else.

Today I had the chance to co-host a weekly Zoom session held by my dear friend Debe Maxwell on Activerain. The topic was "Why Activerain" and "What's the value and purpose of blogging?"

First, let me say that the attendees and guests on this call made me realize every bit of value that has personally come from this network. I also realized how much more value can and will come from this real estate network going forward.

There is no website, platform, social media app, or space quite like Activerain. More value and opportunity than any other site or location in the real estate industry. It was the first and only network of its kind, and still is today! 

Most networks cater and position themselves to provide "value-added" services to their specific industry ie: REALTORs, Title, Lending, Inspections, Staging, etc.

The Activerain Network and its members cater to the entire industry no matter what hat you wear. There are no hidden agendas. Having access every day to these experienced industry professionals from all over the country who share their knowledge and expertise is a most valuable and powerful asset.

The power of "one" is you!  All you, just you, and only you. The power of the Activerain Network collaborating with you is "Being ALL you Can Be!" just saying?! 

I didn't present anything today I had researched or prepared for this call. I was so excited to see everyone. I caught myself recognizing the "real" importance and "true value" of this network. The call helped me today to recall why I joined this place and why I'm still here on Activerain.

Activerain is my home, starting place, community, friends, family, comrades, and even my competitors, all sharing and collaborating successfully for 17 years! If it didn't work, then Activerain and none of the members would still be here.

I can get more answers, solutions, and education here in a day than spending 3 days at a national convention somewhere. All in real time. I can also go to meetings, broker tours, company-sponsored, and National events, etc. plus spend a fortune on travel and accommodations. Or I can just use my Activerain Network.

But this is my story and journey and what worked for me. I had to start here to get where I am now. On Activerain, it's never too late. It's your story and journey that when shared with others will have the most impact on your success and life.

The greatest value from today comes from the comments in the chat, not my presentation or presence. When asking questions, other members shared their valuable comments and priceless opinions for joining this network.

Can you imagine the multiple answers and responses to the questions, "Why Join Activerain Network" and "What reasons do you blog on Activerain? I shared some responses below from a portion of the chat thread on today's call.

I asked this question over a decade ago, this is what members said back then.

Why Join Activerain?

Michael Elliott / NJ to Everyone:
    Google juice
 J. Philip Faranda to Everyone:
    1. strategery
Active Brad to Bill Spear(Direct Message):
Lisa Friedman to Everyone:
    Sense of community
Lorrie Semler to Everyone:
Dorie Dillard to Everyone:
    Market to my community
Kathy Streib HOUSTON to Everyone:
    learn to blog
Jeff Dowler - Carlsbad CA to Everyone:
    Building relationships
Bill Spear to Active Brad(Direct Message):
    My wife said so :)
Alan May to Everyone:
    It was court-ordered
John Juarez, Fremont, CA to Everyone:
    Recommend by a friend
J. Philip Faranda to Everyone:
    2. Therapeutic
Kat Palmiotti to Everyone:
    community, knowledge, SEO
Dorie Dillard to Everyone:
    learn to blog
George Souto - Middletown, CT to Everyone:
    Realtor Contacts
Edward Silva to Everyone:
Buzz Mackintosh to Everyone:
    Latest & greatest in 2006
Carol to Everyone:
    connecting with other professionals in the industry.
Hannah Williams-Pa to Everyone:
    free knowledge
Elyse Berman to Everyone:
    Someone told me about blogging
   Don't remember why but for sure it is a wonderful addiction.
Jim Paulson - Boise to Everyone:
    I joined for Realtor feedback from around the country verses local answers with confirmation bias
sham reddy to Everyone:
Lynn B FRIEDMAN Atlanta to Everyone:
    Community, learning special circumstances, amazing people
karensanchez to Everyone:
    I joined Active Rain because I was brand new in. RE and someone, wish I knew who told me too. I didn’t know any better.  But it was a great decision.
Carol to Everyone:
    And, the next question is why do we stay?
Jim Paulson - Boise to Everyone:
    36 on call today.  Great turnout! :)
Jim Paulson - Boise to Everyone:
    If it wasn't for artificial intelligence, I wouldn't have any
    Brad, what year did Active Rain begin? I joined in 2005.
Eileen Burns Hollywood, FL to Everyone:
    Glad you are back
Elyse Berman to Everyone:
    He didn’t write that post yet 😉
Debe Maxwell to Everyone:
    Here’s the link to AR roster - started in 2006:
J. Philip Faranda to Everyone:
    Rain camps were AWESOME
Hannah Williams-Pa to Everyone:
    brad will you make an effort to join us on Tuesdays on Zoom.
"Brad said yes!!"

What is the Value of Blogging?

sham reddy to Everyone:
    Share your thoughts on different topics
Jim Lee to Everyone:
    Fun, Marketing, generate business, and Educate buyers and sellers.
Alan May to Everyone:
    The benefits of blogging on AR?  It’s the points… I’ve almost got enough for that toaster.
Will Hamm to Everyone:
    Meeting more Realtors in other states
Carol to Everyone:
    I'm retired so I like to share what knowledge I have and give deserving posts more exposure.
Jim Paulson - Boise to Everyone:
    Brad, if you can show me on Android how to set a "Vacation mode" on a text the way you can on email and voicemail, I would be in your debt!
Elyse Berman to Everyone:
    Business, seo, educate the public
karensanchez to Everyone:
    The benefits of blogging on AR.  I feel heard in a non-competitive manner.
Jeff Dowler - Carlsbad CA to Everyone:

The Outcome of Today

Alan May to Everyone:
    JEFF DOWLER has been featured on this zoom call!!!  Jeff Dowler is a rockstar!!
Lorrie Semler to Everyone:
    Excellent hour! Thank you so much Brad. We do have retired bloggers here. Just sayin. Gotta run. Thanks Brad
Active Brad to Everyone:
Hannah Williams-Pa to Everyone:
    I am not a retired blogger many more years to go
Alan May to Everyone:
    Super High Value, Brad.  Thank you
Jeff Dowler - Carlsbad CA to Everyone:
    This was tremendous, Brad. THANK YOU!
Jim Lee to Everyone:
    Do you still have the paid bloggers?                🤣
Kathy Streib HOUSTON to Everyone:
    Thank you so much, Brad. You helped me so much here!!!
Greg Large to Everyone:
    Good to see you Brad and thank you!
Dorie Dillard to Everyone:
    Thank you Brad. I have missed your enthusiasm for everything!! I have to leave for an appointment hope you will enjoy future Tuesday Zoom Meetings!!
Kathy Streib HOUSTON to Everyone:
    Brad, I love the energy you bring with you
John Juarez, Fremont, CA to Everyone:
    Gpt to go. Thanks, Brad.
Buzz Mackintosh to Everyone:
    See y'all next week gotta run. Great crowd this week!
Jim Paulson - Boise to Everyone:
    Thanks "Still Active & Not Retired Brad" :)
karensanchez to Everyone:
    Thanks all for waiting for me to grow into my own.  I was the awkward blogger 16 years ago~.  AR HUG~
J. Philip Faranda to Everyone:
    I have to go but this has been awesome. When is the next one?
Jeff Dowler - Carlsbad CA to Everyone:
    Replying - Every Tuesday same time
Lisa Friedman to Everyone:
    This has been a wonderful and heartwarming reunion fondly remembering old times. <3
Ashley to Everyone:
    So wonderful to see everyone here today! Lynn
Alan May to Everyone:
    I've got an appt.  I’ve got to run… This was great.. thank you all… thank you, Brad.
anna kruchten to Everyone:
    Thank you Brad! You are so awesome!  Hope to see you here again 😊  
AJ Heidmann to Everyone:
    Awesome call today... thank you Brad!  Hope to see you back very soon, got to run.
Ann Cummings to Everyone:
    It's so great to see so many AR people on this zoom that I remember from years ago when  AR was about the only online platform there was.  Looking forward to being a part of this again.
Debe Maxwell to Everyone:
    We are so excited to see you too, Ann!!!
Elyse Berman to Everyone:
    Thank you Brad.  Great hour!  Gotta run.  See you all soon.
Margaret Rome to Everyone:    
    I am loving this!! Can we do it for another hour?
Gayle C. Rich-Boxman to Everyone:
    Look I found the chat!

Today's chat was of great value and not to be overlooked or taken for granted. 

There is nothing I could say or share today that would be more valuable and powerful than this network of people. All joining together as an industry force and sharing selflessly. I've witnessed great success here through collaboration, education, and learning from the successes and challenges of others.

It's all here at your fingertips. May the force of helping others join Activerain be with you, and may those fingertips bring your voice and great content to a successful, fun, and healthy blogging journey. Build relations, not just business.


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Liz and Bill Spear
Transaction Alliance 513.520.5305 - Mason, OH
Transaction Alliance Cincinnati & Dayton suburbs

Brad, great to see you again!  IMO the biggest thing missing in the Rain today is a Staff face such as you/Bob/Kerrie providing guidance, cheerleading, and the occasional referee whistle :)
The culture continues because there are so many people here that totally get what you were talking about.  This place IS different.  The shared knowledge is phenomenal.  I've met quite a few Rainers in person despite getting started just as the last Raincamps were phasing out, and it's never like meeting some stranger, but more someone you've known forever.

Mar 13, 2024 08:07 AM
Brad Andersohn

Bill - it was great having you on that Zoom yesterday. Felt like I was reliving special moments with very special people like you.

I love and appreciate your kind words and it's been weighing heavy on my thoughts and heart of what I can do or how I can be useful to this community once again?!

I would love to be "that face" for this community. I can guide and cheerlead, but I may have lost that referee whistle?!" lol~ 

Truth is, this Community and Network will continue to grow and evolve. Regardless if it's my face or all of ours. Too many good people see the value and will keep this alive! :-)

Mar 13, 2024 10:41 AM
Liz and Bill Spear

Brad Andersohn 
I know where we can get some :)

Mar 13, 2024 10:59 AM
Margaret Rome Baltimore 410-530-2400
HomeRome Realty 410-530-2400 - Pikesville, MD
Sell Your Home With Margaret Rome

Not one but two and a half hours of love happened at yesterday's Zoom meeting.

We all ( there was a total of 43) found this session Inspiring and energizing, and the importance of our long friendships and a lot of admiration!

Mar 13, 2024 09:02 AM
Brad Andersohn

Yup! Love and hugs for hours! Looking back I wouldn't have it any other way! It was supposed to be 3 hours long, aren't you glad I cut it short!?!? hehe

Thank you for your comment, for attending, for your friendship, and most of all for just being you Margaret! You are so loved here by so many including myself, it's an honor to be connected. <3 ;-)

Mar 13, 2024 10:46 AM
Buzz Mackintosh
Mackintosh REALTORS - Frederick, MD
“Experience, reliable, leadership”

It was great to see you 🔥 fire 🔥 everyone up yesterday Brad! It seems the last couple of Zooms have a momentum and rejuvenation of activerain on a roll!

Mar 13, 2024 09:16 AM
Brad Andersohn

Great to see you too Buzz!

You all fired me up so much, I felt like that Tazmanian cartoon character with a tornado around me!! I'm excited and hope that momentum and rejuvenation will go viral?! ;-)

TAZ THE TASMANIAN DEVIL Looney Tunes Cardboard Cutout Standup Standee –

Mar 13, 2024 10:50 AM
Jeff Dowler, CRS
eXp Realty of California, Inc. - Carlsbad, CA
The Southern California Relocation Dude

It was a tremendous Zoom call, Brad, and so inspiring. We all get what you were saying!

If it wasn't clear already it was abundantly so during the meeting why ActiveRain has been such a success and how each of and old...has benefited, and continues to benefit, from being here.

Each of us has had our own blogging journey yet we all share in, and benefit from, the giving, receiving, collaboration, support and and camaraderie of an amazing community!

You have been such an incredible part of the AR success story and hopefully we'll see more of you going forward.



Mar 13, 2024 09:18 AM
Brad Andersohn

Oh Jeff - you have been one of the most inspirational, motivating, and also kindest people I've ever met both on and off the internet! You were my 1st real connection here in the rain and my life WOULD NOT be the same had I not commented my very 1st comment on your blog post! 

Thank you for your demeanor, your ethics, your morals, and your character as it has impacted my life in ways you may never know.

You still impact so many others here and outside the rain. What a blessing you are to me, this community, your community, and the real estate Industry. Heck, I vote you get the AR "Humanitarian Award!"

When I think of a happy place, when I think of a friend, when I think of a good man, Jeff Dowler is who comes to mind!! <3

Mar 13, 2024 11:00 AM
Jeff Dowler, CRS

Hi Brad Andersohn 

Wow, I don't know what to say to all this - can you see me blushing? - except a profound THANK YOU!

I truly value our friendship even though it's been years since we've seen each other IRL...but that doesn't change how I feel nor the friendship.

You are a pretty special person and have profoundly influenced me, and so many others, in ways that are hard to put into words.

I had tears in my eyes yesterday when you were recounting your accident. I cannot imagine what life would be like without Brad Andersohn!

Know that if I am ever up near Santa Cruz you are on the list for a visit...somehow!


Mar 13, 2024 01:58 PM
Hannah Williams
HomeStarr Realty - Philadelphia, PA
Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376

Brad Andersohn, HelpfulHannah loves you! I remember our lunch at Piggly Wiggles in NYC at Rain Camp we had so much fun. You provided so much energy and love today. Please make an effort to come back you are needed. We love YOU! 

Mar 13, 2024 10:42 AM
Brad Andersohn

I remember that and so many other events I was blessed to be part of!

So many wonderful and fun memories here. Definitely one of the best jobs I've ever had or that anyone could ever hope for?! :-))

Thank you for being there as always.  I love how you always love and support a fellow member and friend like me. You're the best! 

ActiveBrad loves you too! <3

Mar 13, 2024 12:01 PM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876

WOW! Thank you for the feature ActiveRain Real Estate Network.

Not expected but certainly appreciated more than you know. I've been here since 2007 and it's about time I start contributing at least enough to get my 1,000,000 points!! haha

I've missed engaging with this network and the industry at large. Thank you for giving me that little boost of energy and passion to jump back on the "RainWagon!" ;-) <3

Mar 13, 2024 11:05 AM
Reputable Realty - Apple Valley, CA
...Marketing your home like no one else will.

Thanks Brad Andersohn for sharing your light and love.  You sparked us all with an infusion of goodness I think was needed.  Prayers for you on your journey!    Let us know....If anyone knew they kept it quiet.

Mar 13, 2024 11:54 AM
Brad Andersohn

Thank you, sweet lady. The journey is something we try to plan and control but it never goes as planned! My darker days from the accident and that change in my life are hopefully behind me now. With the help of great friends and this community, I've been able to pick up some pieces and start dancing in the rain once again. #Blessed <3

I've learned that when I let go and let God, I get the best results. 

Mar 13, 2024 12:05 PM
Eileen Burns 954.483.3912
Trans State Commercial Realty Inc. - Fort Lauderdale, FL
FLorida Real Estate Connector

Well done Brad Andersohn It was exciting to see how many Rainers tuned in to hear what you had to say!  Love your energy and enthusiasm for the community.  Glad you are part of the AR re-iginition control button to attract more folks to this zoom format😎

Mar 13, 2024 12:10 PM
Brad Andersohn

Hey Eileen,

It was good to see all those raining faces all on one screen, and all in one location.

I just kept thinking and wondering how to get the most out of the Zoom call and it wasn’t going to be just listening to me talk!! 😝

Thank you for engaging and participating with all of us.

That’s true value to me. 🙏

Mar 13, 2024 02:24 PM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876

Here's some of what I planned on sharing before I saw who was on the Zoom call:
These were some of my notes and touch-points for the topic and presentation.

                                                Why ActiveRain?

Joining the ActiveRain Real Estate Network offers several benefits for real estate professionals throughout the real estate industry and space.
1. Networking: Connect with other real estate agents, brokers, lenders, and professionals in the industry, fostering collaboration, partnerships, and fantastic relationships.
2. Visibility: Increase online visibility and exposure to potential clients and leads through the network's platform.
3. Education: Access a wealth of educational resources, articles, and discussions on real estate trends, best practices, and industry insights. Content is KING on Activerain.
4. Referrals: Receive and give referrals within the network, expanding your client base and business opportunities.
5. Community: Join a supportive community of professionals who share knowledge, experiences, and advice, creating a sense of camaraderie and support.
6. Marketing: Utilize the platform for marketing purposes, such as sharing listings, promoting services, and showcasing expertise through blog posts and discussions.
7. Lead Generation: Generate leads through interactions within the network, as well as through the content you contribute and share.
8. Member Interaction: There is no place like Activerain when it comes to interaction and engagement with other across the platform. Anything and everything you could want or need to know is right here at your fingertips. It's the most responsive network of pros I've ever seen in the industry both online and off!
Overall, the ActiveRain Real Estate Network provides a valuable platform for real estate professionals to network, learn, market their services, and grow their businesses.
Mar 13, 2024 12:39 PM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876

I also had a plan to share "Why Blog or what's the value of blogging?" Everyone else shared it in the chat box so I didn't need to share my stuff. The chat box had way more to offer than I ever could!! Here were my notes and touch-points for this topic:

                          Why Blog or what's the value of blogging?

Blogging offers several benefits:

Expression: It provides a platform to express thoughts, ideas, and expertise.

Networking: Builds connections with like-minded individuals, experts, and potential collaborators.
Visibility: Increases online visibility, potentially attracting new readers, customers, or clients.
Authority: Establishes authority and credibility in a particular niche or industry.
Learning: Encourages continuous learning and research to create valuable content.
Monetization: Can be monetized through ads, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, or selling products/services.
Feedback: Receives feedback and engages in conversations with readers, fostering a sense of community.
Portfolio: Serves as a portfolio showcasing writing skills, expertise, and business or personal achievements and accomplishments. Knowledge and experience rule. Use your blog instead of email responses. It drives traffic and saves you time. #strategy
PS - I could have covered all this in the allotted 1 hour time frame, well... maybe not!! ;-)


Mar 13, 2024 12:49 PM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876

Jeff Dowler, CRS - if you’re ever anywhere close to Northern California, I’d jump through rain puddles, mud, and California Traffic to hook up anytime!

Plus if you

Mar 13, 2024 02:19 PM
George Souto
George Souto NMLS #65149 - Middletown, CT
Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert

Brad Andersohn it is amazing how quickly your hair grew back again.  🤣

It was great seeing you in the Rain again.

Mar 13, 2024 03:41 PM
Brad Andersohn

I understand now why most men wear baseball caps?!? 😆

Great seeing you too my friend. 

Mar 14, 2024 08:36 AM
Joyce M. Marsh
Luxury Home Couture - Daytona Beach, FL
Joyce Marsh Homes & Design

Brad, I can’t thank you enough for your inspiring presentation. I felt like we had a little bit of the old ActiveRain magic yesterday. Hopefully we can capture more of that in the future. 

Mar 13, 2024 06:22 PM
Brad Andersohn

Joyce - you just “thanked” me enough with your comment, thank you for being there and helping to make it feel and be that way. It’s not the computer, the network, the Zoom… it’s all about the people!! 

Mar 14, 2024 08:39 AM
Endre Barath, Jr.
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties - Beverly Hills, CA
Realtor - Los Angeles Home Sales 310.486.1002

Brad Andersohn  great post and I missed it, here because of a re-blog, go figure...did I read it right no website because you are retired?:)Endre

Mar 15, 2024 10:21 PM
Brad Andersohn

Awe thank you my friend. You’re one of those people that is a rock in the history and my memories of the rain. I’m only retired as I was disabled in an accident a couple years ago. That business card used to be a “funny” card I could give to people I didn’t want to call me?! lol~ Just kidding, the retirement card was my wish and visualization so be careful what you wish for. I have a phone and website still but not forever… getting older and more retired!! Haha

Mar 15, 2024 10:56 PM
Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

Thank you very much for your report on the successful Zoom session.

Happy St Patricks Day" Images – Browse 3,004 Stock Photos ...

Mar 16, 2024 09:11 AM
Brad Andersohn

Happy St Patty's Day my friend! And thank YOU for taking the time to read it and comment. Enjoy the day!!!

Mar 17, 2024 10:25 AM
Kathy Streib
Cypress, TX
Home Stager/Redesign

Brad- just in case you haven't realized it bring an energy to this platform that we need!!!  I will always remember the help you gave me when I began. This platform is like no other...the members here are what make this community a "home" for many. 

If you have a question...ask it here and you will get an answer or at least a direction where to find your answer. Need support?  It's here!!!

BTW- you also realize that we're not letting you go!!!  You have to keep returning!

Mar 16, 2024 01:26 PM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876

Kathy Streib  - My Energy is created and manifests from the audience and the participation of others like you. My passion and intensity of energy can sometimes be too much and come across too intense for some.
Back in the day, my energy about AR was considered by some too salesy?!? I'm just a very passionate and probably too animated of a person. But you're right, that's how and who I am. :-)

Thank you for not letting me go!!  <3

Mar 17, 2024 10:38 AM
Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate
John L Scott Market Center - Birkenfeld, OR
"Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843

Brads, you were on FIRE! It stimulated everyone to a higher level of pleasure and engagement. An elixir to be part of this AR team and to be welcomed back with open arms, whether gone for weeks, months or years is just ONE of the perks of this AMAZING PLATFORM!! 

Mar 18, 2024 04:48 PM
Brad Andersohn

Gayle - yes! So well stated. ONE amazing perk from so many amazing people. Happy to be part of that alixar that makes up the fine AR recipe. 🙏

Mar 18, 2024 05:42 PM
Jerry Newman
Brown Realty, 210-789-4216, - San Antonio, TX
Texas REALTOR, San Antonio Military Relocation

Hello, Brad Andersohn Sorry, I missed this Zoom call, yet I learned years ago the value of blogging, networking and building our relationships on Active Rain. It has been a very rewarding experience for me. Loved reading your post. Thanks.

Mar 19, 2024 07:53 AM
Brad Andersohn

You sound like my twin! ;-

Mar 20, 2024 08:05 AM
Ricardo Mello
Manhattan Miami Real Estate - Manhattan, NY
Manhattan & Miami Real Estate Agent

I want to participate on the next one!

Mar 24, 2024 01:46 PM
Brad Andersohn

Hey Ricardo,

And you can. In fact you can attend the next one and the following after that and the following one after that, etc. and so on.

They take place every Tuesday at 11 AM Pacific 2 PM Eastern on zoom. There are links to the call everywhere, a ton of members have posted them as well.


Mar 24, 2024 01:51 PM