
What Book Are You Reading Right Now?

Education & Training

It has been said that who we are is largely determined by the people we associate with and the books we read.  Activerain has proven to be a valuable and popular portal for our community. In addition to our connections locally, our online community is pretty robust. What about the books you read? What is your favorite? How did it influence you and why?

I am listing a few of my favorite books here, along with author and ISBN number. Each of these books has had a direct, measurable and significant influence on my business, personal, and social life. I am adding a few comments after some of the books, others are good, but I didn't want to spoil the ending!

Seriously, I could write an entire article on each one, professing the millions I've made because of the information or the incredibly rich relationships I've created because of how it impacted my life. In any case, I hope you make the time to pick up one or two of these, give it a read and equally important, pass it on to your child or someone else...a book on the shelf is useless. 

How to Win Friends & Influence People                     Dale Carnegie                            0-671-72365-0

This book helped to shape my personality at an early age. I went from being a shy, nerdy guy to the high school homecoming king! Thanks Mr. Carnegie! 

Endless Referrals                             Bob Burg                                                     0-07-008942-6

If you only have time to read 2 books, make sure this is one of them. I have had Bob come out and speak to my group, and I can honestly tell you, his stuff works! When I was in the wireless business, I cold called for 3 weeks. After reading his book, I was the #2 salesman at the company for 3 YEARS! (Without making another cold call the rest of my life) 

How to Have Confidence
& Power in Dealing w/People        Les Giblin                                                          0-13-410671-7

If you or someone you know is ever a bit insecure in negotiations, public speaking or just needs a boost, this is a terrific, older book.

You Were Born Rich                         Bob Proctor                                                     0-9656264-1-5 

Maybe out of print....check it is the predecessor for "The Secret" LOVE IT!

The Magic of Thinking Big             David Schwartz                                                         0-671-64678-8

A must for anyone. This book can do more to create prosperity consciousness than any other book I've read. A terrific book that you and your kids simply must read at least once. 

High Probability Selling                  Werth & Ruben                                                        0-9631550-3-2

If you are a salesperson who appreciates fresh ideas, this is it! So many sales books are written at a time where advertising actually worked! Networking, connections and creating the proper environment are so much more important than "closing techniques." Give this to your sales staff and watch your numbers soar. 

Think & Grow Rich                         Napoleon Hill                                                            0-87980444-0

A classic. The secret is in the title!

Rich Dad, Poor Dad                         Robert Kiyosaki                                                       0-96438561-9 

I've interviewed Robert on my radio show a few times. His stuff isn't loaded with detail, but is a good, fresh perspective on common misconceptions and beliefs about finance, money, and business. 

Cashflow Quadrant                          Robert Kiyosaki                                                       0-9643856-2-7

A good follow up to his first book.  

The Millionaire Next Door             Thomas Stanley                                                        0-671-01520-6

Not the easiest read, but the concepts are important (especially if you have teenagers!)  

How to Negotiate Successfully in Real Estate          Tony Hoffman                                 0-671-49775-8 

Spin Selling                                                                      Neil Rachham                                    0-07-051113-6 

How to Manage Residential Properties                     John T. Reed                                    0-939224-25-9

How to Manage Real Estate Successfully-in Your Spare Time   Albert J. Lowry                 0-671-24829-4

Landlording                                                                      Leigh Robinson                                 0-932956-16-5

Nothing Down for the 90s                                                 Robert G. Allen                              0-671-72558-0

Tips & Traps When Selling a Home                                 Robert Irwin                                   0-07-141830-X

How to Make Big Money in Real Estate                        Tyler G. Hicks                                  0-7352-0116-1 

Fix It and Flip It                                                                  Hamilton & Hamilton                       0-07-142148-3  

Real Estate Loopholes                                                        Kennedy & Sutton                           0-446-69135-6 

Why Aren't You Your Own Boss?                                    Edwards & Economy                         0-7615-1537-2

Nickerson's No-Risk Way to Real Estate Fortunes              William Nickerson                 0-671-55143-4

Personality Plus                                                                                 Florence Littauer                   0-8007-5445-X

106 Mortgage Secrets All Home Buyers Must Learn                Gary W. Eldred                      0-471-26395-8

There are dozens and dozens of other books that I have read, applied and truly enjoyed. I hope you pick one of these up at your library or bookstore this week.

Doug Crowe

"To Know and Not to Do, is Not to Know"

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Karen Rice Keller Williams Real Est
Keller Williams Real Estate - Hawley, PA
Northeast PA & Lake Wallenpaupack Home Sales

LOL, I'm reading The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson.  Not sure what that says about

Jul 08, 2008 04:35 AM
Doug Crowe
Wheaton, IL

Niche marketing!!! :)

Jul 08, 2008 04:36 AM
Trey Affolter
Keller Williams Realty - Tacoma, WA
Brings HOME Results!

"Groundswell, winning in a world transformed by social technologies" by Charlene Li. An interesting look into how social technologies such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, & Communities (like ActiveRain) are changing society and the face of business.

Jul 08, 2008 04:48 AM
Li Read
Sea to Sky Premier Properties (Salt Spring) - Salt Spring Island, BC
Caring expertise...knowledge for you!

Great post!     Have read some, will check out others.    Thanks for sharing your list.


Jul 08, 2008 04:58 AM
Thomas Hargreaves
TriStar Financial Services - Eugene, OR

Doug, that is a great list. I have actually read most of them on your list.  You have some great ones dealing with money missing.  These are a couple that I usually give to my clients as a thank you after their loans close.

Stop Sitting on your Assets   By   Marion Snow

The Last Chance Millionaire   by   Douglas Andrew

Lower your Taxes  BIG TIME!    by Sandy Botkin



Jul 08, 2008 05:18 AM
Jim Frimmer
HomeSmart Realty West - San Diego, CA
Realtor & CDPE, Mission Valley specialist

Hey, Doug.

I can highly recommend four books, all fairly short but four of the most important books in my library:

How To Use Your Time Wisely - This little book (101 pages) is the subject of one of my blogs. It remains the most influential book I have read, notwithstanding Stephen King. LOL

Givers Gain - This book (113 pages) was written by Ivan Misner, the founder of Business Network International, the world's largest traditional networking organization.

It's In The Cards - Another book (175 pages) by Ivan Misner. This one discusses getting the biggest impact from your smallest ad, i.e., your business card. Many of the ideas in this book can be adapted to brochures, flyers, letterhead, envelopes, ads, etc. Mine's signed (na-na-na-na-na-na LOL)

Guerrilla Marketing - Jay Conrad Levinson, 388 pages. Marketing for the self-employed and small businesses that don't have the marketing budget of Wal-Mart.

I've worked at Waldenbooks and Borders for over 30 years now and stay there in order to keep their super health, dental, and vision benefits. I got started in real estate as the market was going south, but that hasn't deterred me. I'm still here and actually have been quite successful in this slow market. Eventually I'll be able to quit Borders and buy my own benefits, regardless of the cost.

Aug 05, 2008 06:07 PM