
Blogging Remotely from a Mobile Device

Education & Training with Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp Non-Licensed

Is blogging on Activerain from a mobile device doable and even necessary when you’re out in the world and Mobile? My answer, yes! The fact and reality is I’m doing it right here right now. Why? To see how much effort really goes into creating a blog post quickly and efficiently while out on the road and living your life?

I wanted to see how much time it took, how many resources I needed, and how quickly I could get links, images, videos, and more posted on a blog posting. I also wanted to see if there would be any hitches in my giddyup?! You know, bugs and glitches, etc. We all know mobile isn’t the same as pads, and laptops etc.

I’m creating this post using an iPhone and I suddenly realize how important this could be to track my progress along with giving guidance and instructions on how to do it along the way?! Also trying to use tags as a test. (a request from Carol Williams) Using Debe Maxwell, CRS and Kathy Streib as an example. It works.

☝️Step one: You’ll need a mobile device, I use iPhone. Also Safari browser, Chrome works just as well I’m pretty sure.

✌️Step two: Log into ActiveRain, and click write a post at top of page

👌Step three: Do as I do, not as I say!! Start typing away… (hint) I used the speech to text tool built-in to my iPhone. I know it’s cheating, but I still have to preview and review the post before hitting submit. I’m sure all my typos, and Siri corrections will make up for the time saved. Lol

✌️✌️Step four: Add images, links, and video if you choose.

🖐️ Step five: Select your audience, your ActiveRain topics, your hyper LOCAL pages, if applicable, your relative groups, and your outside blogs, if applicable. Add your tags, SEO Title and Description. Lastly click the save button or the orange PUBLISH!

Viola - a blog posting thought and idea, created on location, written and blogged out, and then published in literally minutes. And this can be done from any mobile device and from anywhere you are on the planet?! Internet connected of course. 

This is right in line with my theory, and my motto, and this is for me personally, a better, faster, easier, more efficient, more effective way to get some of my blogging done! You know what they say, practice what you preach. So I am :-)

Lastly, I did say video, so here’s a link and an embed to confirm it works?!

This is a moonlighting retirement activity I have taken up. It’s seeing the world and places I live and go from a whole new perspective. Imagine if folks used this in Real Estate?!? lol~

Here is the video embedded: This is so cool that I can do this here on AR! 😎

I hope you find this to be of value and good use if you’re reading and following. 😊

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Laura Cerrano
Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island - Locust Valley, NY
Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher

It really does work well for blogging, and I do recommend it to be tried. my tone does sound a little bit sarcastic, but I mean it to be funny and funny..

Mar 13, 2024 11:34 PM
Brad Andersohn

I’m actually finding this faster and much easier now that I’ve been doing everything from Mobile for a couple days. I agree totally, everyone should at least try it.
Also, I didn’t have to correct any part of this comment using the talk to text feature on my phone. The talk to text feature today is 90% better than it ever used to be. 👍

Mar 15, 2024 08:56 AM
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393

Hello Brad - can blogging from a mobile device be done remotely?  Obviously, you have proof.  And this post is an effective example.  

However, is it right for me?  Because of circumstances/situations, I have done it (as well as commenting) on occasion in the past. However, it doesn't work exactly as anticipated.   And with lots of time and additional stress too because of clumsy fingers and embarrassingly low technology skills.    Like so much in life, we each find the path that works best for us.  Thank you for sharing this.  

Mar 14, 2024 02:31 AM
Brad Andersohn

Hello Michael - finding what works is always an individual preference. Knowing what’s on the menu helps folks find those “working” and successful tips and tools. 🧰 📱👍

Thanks for reading and for commenting. Did you happen to read it from your mobile, laptop or desktop? Curious?

Mar 15, 2024 09:00 AM
Michael Jacobs

Brad Andersohn - from my laptop.  

Mar 15, 2024 01:41 PM
Alan May
Jameson Sotheby's International Realty - Evanston, IL
Home again, home again...

You're a braver man than I am, Gunga Brad.  I have never really managed the skills required to use Active Rain on my mobile, let alone attempt to create a post on it. 

And way to bury the Led!!  You claim to have an Active Rain App!?!?  What the... ?  Please share!?  I wasn't aware that there was an Active Rain App.  I think we would all welcome that.

Mar 14, 2024 03:16 AM
Brad Andersohn

Brave? lol~ Imagine my anxiety as I tried all this knowing that “IT MIGHT NOT WORK AT All”

The fact is while it may not be the best looking blog post or maybe it’s content isnot packed with links and images, but it’s by far the fastest blog post I’ve posted here in 17 years. :-))))))

Mar 15, 2024 09:05 AM
Alan May

It's better looking than 90% of the posts that we see here on a regular basis, don't kid yerself, Mr. Din.

Mar 15, 2024 09:13 AM
Bill Salvatore - East Valley
Arizona Elite Properties - Chandler, AZ
Realtor - 602-999-0952 / em:

I wonder, is there anything you cannot do with our phones? Great information. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day! bill

Mar 14, 2024 05:02 AM
Brad Andersohn

Bill - if it could do my grocery shopping, make my coffee, eliminate taxes, and I can think of a few other things, I’d trade up or upgrade my mobile for that one!! 

Mar 15, 2024 09:08 AM
Brian England
Ambrose Realty Management LLC - Gilbert, AZ
MBA, GRI, REALTOR® Real Estate in East Valley AZ

I have never tried to create a blog post in the Rain through my phone, the closest I have come is replying to comments from my notepad, haha.

Mar 14, 2024 05:29 AM
Brad Andersohn

There’s a time and a place and a 1st for everyone. Give it a try, I’d love to hear about and compare our experiences.

I couldn’t really find much that needed to be fixed or improved. Let me know if you need help or have any questions on doing this? 

Mar 15, 2024 09:11 AM
Kat Palmiotti
eXp Commercial, Referral Divison - Kalispell, MT
Helping your Montana dreams take root

My old eyes enjoy using a big screen where I can see everything all at the same time. That being said, it's good to know we CAN enter a blog post on our mobile devices. Thanks for the tip!


Mar 14, 2024 05:52 AM
Brad Andersohn

I do love my big screens!! And my eyes are on the blink (no pun there) and so I totally relate. I just had to see what it would be like to try this and so far all has gone better than expected. 👍

Mar 15, 2024 09:13 AM
Wayne Martin
Wayne M Martin - Oswego, IL
Real Estate Broker - Retired

Good morning Brad. I have had success, at times, posting using my mobile phone. That said yours is by expertise and mine more by accident or luck. It can be done, but still prefer my laptop-. Enjoy your day.

Mar 14, 2024 06:01 AM
Brad Andersohn

Expertise? Haha~ Thanks for that but really it was curiosity. lol~

I do love to pioneer and be the one to take some arrows through the discovery or the trial and error process. It’s always a challenge but fun.

And…There was some luck and accidents involved here as well. ;-)

Mar 15, 2024 09:23 AM
Nick Vandekar, 610-203-4543
Realty ONE Group Advocates 484-237-2055 - Downingtown, PA
Selling the Main Line & Chester County

Another excuse removed for not posting, thanks for the advice and the lesson. Always good to see you post. Sorry, I missed your zoom call, was in the middle of a work appointment so could not get away to listen this week. I knew I was going to regret it.

Mar 14, 2024 07:35 AM
Brad Andersohn

Hey Nick - You know me, I just had to try it. There’s not much that can’t be done from mobile these days. It’s nice to know Activerain is up to speed with mobile accessibility and a strong stable platform to operate from a mobile device. 
I know many agents that think they are too busy or time consumed to post/read/comment and they are, but their laptop is in the case most the day,and the mobile phone is in their face all day! Hmmm…

Those agents could really benefit from this knowledge and ability, kinda why I wanted to find out how all this would work from mobile only!? 👌👍

Mar 15, 2024 09:29 AM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876

It’s funny, because as I talk into my phone right now, and it converts my words into text, I realize how much time I’m saving by not using my two thumbs, and the tiny, nearly invisible keypad on my phone. The whole “talk to text” thingy and it’s accuracy are the key here.


Mar 14, 2024 11:05 AM
Jeff Dowler, CRS
eXp Realty of California, Inc. - Carlsbad, CA
The Southern California Relocation Dude


This is a terrific tutorial on blogging with a mobile device. Talk to text  would make my arthritic thumbs very happy.


Mar 14, 2024 12:48 PM
Brad Andersohn

Hey Jeff - I couldn’t have done this post, or this comment without that talk to text feature. Just typing these sentences would take me two minutes versus 10 seconds. My thumbs are why they created “auto-correct” lol

What’s amazing to me is the accuracy today of the talk to text feature. Unless I talk too fast or slur my words it’s very very accurate. Here’s the best use of thumbs 👍 for me! ;-

Mar 15, 2024 09:35 AM
George Souto
George Souto NMLS #65149 - Middletown, CT
Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert

Brad Andersohn the only thing I have done on ActiveRain with my cell phone is make comments and participate in the weekly ZOOM Meeting.  I also you the speech to text tool as well.  My chubby fingers do not type that well on the tiny keyboard.  😜

Mar 14, 2024 03:06 PM
Brad Andersohn

George - you and the other members have given me a great idea?! Remember Weight Watchers? I’m going to start a new program for you and I called “thumb watchers.” we can work on our chubby thumbs together! Lol

Mar 15, 2024 09:36 AM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876

I’m standing here at Kaiser waiting for my appointment. I’ll be reading and getting on back to the rest of these comments when I get back to my laptop at home. :-)

so far, my entire engagement from creation to this comment has been on my mobile iPhone. I’ll be honest, it would be hard to sustain permanently or for a long period of time. Got to have a laptop. :-)

Mar 14, 2024 03:56 PM
Carol Williams
Although I'm retired, I love sharing my knowledge and learning from other real estate industry professionals. - Wenatchee, WA
Retired Agent / Broker / Prop. Mgr, Wenatchee, WA

Hi Brad,
This is enlightening. I have found using my mobile device laborious for ActiveRain purposes. However, you have proven it IS possible to write a blog post and interact with comments. Good for you! Thankfully, I type fast... sometimes faster than my brain thinks. I'll have to make an effort to get more proficient with my phone.  Is there a way to tag people while using a smartphone?

BTW: Speaking of my brain, since I am on the road so much, this post sparked an idea to present to automakers for the future.

Mar 15, 2024 06:14 AM
Brad Andersohn

Hey Carol - thanks for reading and commenting. If you want to tag someone on AR in a post from your mobile, just use the @symbol right before their name. Like this (@carol williams) and a box pops up with their name in it. I see it does not work in the comments from mobile but should work when creating the post on mobile. 

Thanks for asking because I haven’t tried that yet and now I’m on my way to see. 🙏👍👌

Mar 15, 2024 09:42 AM
Carol Williams

Thanks, Brad Andersohn 
I haven't had any luck with the mobile, but I haven't tried doing a post on mobile yet. I'll have to experiment with that one of these days.

Mar 15, 2024 10:02 AM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876

🖐️Howdy Carol :-)

I think you’ll find it’s not too far-fetched.

I mean think about it, we share text all day long in messages and on social media. We share links and videos from mobile devices on tons of different platforms out there. And people are constantly sharing, photos, images, and graphics throughout social media and on the web. 

Is not all of that kinda the same as an ActiveRain blog post?!?! :-)  All put together in a single place on a nice post? 

Seriously after I did some reality checks…We already do all these things from our devices, this really isn’t any more challenging or difficult than all those things we already do from our mobile all day. Give it a try. Here to help if you ever need it. 👍

Mar 15, 2024 10:45 AM
Debra Leisek
Bay Realty,Inc Homer Alaska - Homer, AK

So nice seeing you and your posts here in the Rain again! You always have a positive way of looking at things. I sure like the idea of the mobile blog... it could make things easier and faster! Hope you have a wonderful St Patrick's Day! 🍀

Mar 17, 2024 12:56 AM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876

Thanks so much, Debra. It's so great to hear from you and see you too! I'm retired now and have a little more time on my hands to play in the rain.

Right now, thanks to your comment... I'm trying to figure out where to take my wife for corned beef and cabbage?! lol~ I'm Irish and didn't even realize it's St Patty's Day!

Thanks and I hope your Green Day is as green as they come!! ;-)

Mar 17, 2024 11:56 AM
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!
Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374 - St. George, UT
The best agent in Southern Utah!

Brad, it's good to know that when on the move, without the laptop, a post can be created and posted on a phone! Technology has transformed our every day for convemient's sake. 

Mar 17, 2024 12:19 PM
Isaac Patterson
ceo - Adak, AK

Blogging Remotely from a Mobile Device offers unparalleled flexibility and convenience for content creators on the go. With advancements in mobile technology, bloggers can now draft, edit, and publish posts directly from their smartphones or tablets, no matter where they are. This capability allows for real-time updates and the ability to capture and share experiences as they happen, making mobile blogging an essential tool for staying connected with your audience and maintaining a dynamic online presence. Whether you're using a regular SIM or a smart SIM register you can efficiently manage your blog from anywhere, ensuring your content stays fresh and engaging.

Aug 14, 2024 02:00 AM
Brad Andersohn
Retired Executive Director of Education at eXp - Boulder Creek, CA
ActiveBrad - 707.646.1876
What a great and dead on comment. Are you real Issac or AI?
Aug 14, 2024 09:35 AM
Patricia Feager
Flower Mound, TX

Brad Andersohn - when I grow up and become more tech savvy, I hope to be better and more proficient like you. Also, I am grateful for those faces because they are all part of the AR history. AR has made a difference in my life. 

P.S. Love your FEATURE photo for this blog post. It's amazing!

Aug 16, 2024 04:39 PM