Is blogging on Activerain from a mobile device doable and even necessary when you’re out in the world and Mobile? My answer, yes! The fact and reality is I’m doing it right here right now. Why? To see how much effort really goes into creating a blog post quickly and efficiently while out on the road and living your life?
I wanted to see how much time it took, how many resources I needed, and how quickly I could get links, images, videos, and more posted on a blog posting. I also wanted to see if there would be any hitches in my giddyup?! You know, bugs and glitches, etc. We all know mobile isn’t the same as pads, and laptops etc.
I’m creating this post using an iPhone and I suddenly realize how important this could be to track my progress along with giving guidance and instructions on how to do it along the way?! Also trying to use tags as a test. (a request from Carol Williams) Using Debe Maxwell, CRS and Kathy Streib as an example. It works.
☝️Step one: You’ll need a mobile device, I use iPhone. Also Safari browser, Chrome works just as well I’m pretty sure.
✌️Step two: Log into ActiveRain, and click write a post at top of page
👌Step three: Do as I do, not as I say!! Start typing away… (hint) I used the speech to text tool built-in to my iPhone. I know it’s cheating, but I still have to preview and review the post before hitting submit. I’m sure all my typos, and Siri corrections will make up for the time saved. Lol
✌️✌️Step four: Add images, links, and video if you choose.
🖐️ Step five: Select your audience, your ActiveRain topics, your hyper LOCAL pages, if applicable, your relative groups, and your outside blogs, if applicable. Add your tags, SEO Title and Description. Lastly click the save button or the orange PUBLISH!
Viola - a blog posting thought and idea, created on location, written and blogged out, and then published in literally minutes. And this can be done from any mobile device and from anywhere you are on the planet?! Internet connected of course.
This is right in line with my theory, and my motto, and this is for me personally, a better, faster, easier, more efficient, more effective way to get some of my blogging done! You know what they say, practice what you preach. So I am :-)
Lastly, I did say video, so here’s a link and an embed to confirm it works?!
This is a moonlighting retirement activity I have taken up. It’s seeing the world and places I live and go from a whole new perspective. Imagine if folks used this in Real Estate?!? lol~
Here is the video embedded: This is so cool that I can do this here on AR! 😎
I hope you find this to be of value and good use if you’re reading and following. 😊