Today is National Vietnam War Veterans Day
Today is National Vietnam War Veterans Day
In 2017, the Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017 was signed by President Donald J. Trump.
It is estimated that more than 7 million US Vietnam Veterans are living in America and abroad.
Many of us were around during the Vietnam War. We had classmates and relatives who served. Some here may have served as well.
Who is a Vietnam War Veteran?
They are anyone on active duty in the United States Armed Forces from November 1, 1955, through May 15, 1975. No distinction was made between those who served “in-country, in-theatre, or elsewhere during this period. (All were called to serve and none could self-determine where they would serve.)
Larry was in the Air Force (F-4 pilot) and served in Germany and Korea. Our friend, Vic, was part of the Lost Platoon in May of 1967 in Vietnam. One of my cousins served in Vietnam and saw things no one should ever have to see.
Many served and did not return. They left behind fathers and mothers, children and wives, friends, and high school classmates. They did not get to live and experience what you and I have
Unlike other wars, our veterans did not return home to parades and cheering. They were called to duty to fight a war that no one wanted. Sadly, the hatred for the Vietnam War was directed at anyone connected to it.
I urge you to speak to anyone who served, especially during this period. I learned from our friend Vic how he pretended to be dead while the VietCong had lunch a few feet from you.
As Vic opened up, I learned that Larry flew nuclear alert. He and his fellow pilots understood that if it were ever the real thing, they would not be returning home.
War is not a video game. We need to honor those who served and understand their sacrifices.
Kathy Streib
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