Now is the ideal time for First Time Buyers, Move Up Buyers, and Investment buyers. The market has seen some positive activity and it is the right time for someone to own a home rather then rented and helping somelse invest in their Mortgage. We have to see through all the negativity and concentrate on the positive results when the right actions are taken.
Right on! I have been saying that for months, now is the best time ever to buy a home. I don't know what the buyers are waiting for. They need to get out there and start looking. There are a lot of bargains now.
I would have to agree. Here is the Milwaukee area we have seen modest price drops. There are a few areas where the foreclosures have effected pricing. But if you have a well maintained home that is well prepared for showing buyers will pay the market price. About half my buyers give up on the deal of a life time foreclosure notion after 2 or 3 viewings.
I have heard that interest rates have gone down a bit this past week. Follow the DOW and you can see why. Stocks are positioned for a big come back soon. If history repeats that would mean that interest rates will also be on the rise.
Prices are holding steady around Milwaukee. In Menomonee Falls we are seeing all the good deals already have accepted offers. And few are coming up to take their place. Other sections like Oak Creek have seen prices falling the past months. Right down the street in Franklin I have actually seen prices increase over the past few months.
Since the holiday my phone has being ringing off the hook. It seems buyers were waiting for the ideal time to buy and many of them are choosing now.