
Remain Cool and Composed

Reblogger Will Hamm
Real Estate Broker/Owner with Hamm Homes

What we all need sometime and Lou Ludwig has great information

Original content by Lou Ludwig



Motivational Power Quote


Remain Cool and Composed 

"Nothing gives a person so much advantage

very another as to remain always

cool and unruffled under all circumstances."

Thomas Jefferson,3th US President


As I see it. . . . . . . .

Remain cool and composed    

Under pressure always remain - the coolest person in the room.   

When someone trying to back you into a corner; remain calm and stay in control. 

In a negotiating environment when someone is trying to bully you or take advantage of you remain poised and focused on the solutions.   

The person that can stay in control of their emotions stays in control of their circumstances. The person who remains calm in challenging environment creates a person power, and a advantage in their circumstances.  

©2010, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author





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Dan McElfresh
St. Louis Living powered by ExP Realty - Cottleville, MO
Your St. Louis real estate & lifestyle guide

Great insight! 

Apr 08, 2024 03:37 PM
Kat Palmiotti
eXp Commercial, Referral Divison - Kalispell, MT
Helping your Montana dreams take root

Remaining calm is not always an easy thing to do but it's so important!

Apr 09, 2024 05:34 AM
Michael Elliott
Fathom Realty - Burlington Township, NJ
Burlington, New Jersey Residential Sales

I needed to see this today, thank you for sharing Will Hamm 

Apr 09, 2024 09:55 AM