We've all probably received the following call from one of our sellers:
"Hi Michele, I just wanted to let you know that Joe Schmoe never showed up for the showing." Ugh, how rude. You apologize to your seller on behalf of the rude agent and hope it doesn't happen again. Most sellers are reasonable and realize this isn't you fault, but it's still a call no one wants to receive.
Let's get back to basics and work on some common courtesy. Fortunately most Realtors that I've encountered operate with professionalism and courtesy, but there's always someone making the rest of us look bad.
Some of these ideas are so easy to implement and can really make you look good to other Realtors and your clients as well:
- If you aren't going to make it to a showing - CALL and cancel as soon as you know.
- If you are running late to a showing - take a moment and call to let them know. (I actually make sure my buyer hears me make the call. 9 times out of 10, they comment on how nice it is that I'm calling and not just showing up late without warning.)
- Take note of how the front door is locked and duplicate what you found upon exiting the home. Lock only the locks that were locked when you arrived. This can avoid a seller not being able to get into their house later.
- Leave the home EXACTLY as you found it, unless instructed to do otherwise. If all of the lights are on, assume there will be other showings and leave them on.
- Ensure the home is locked up properly. A seller should never arrive home and wonder who left their back door unlocked.
- DO NOT use the bathroom when showing a home.
- If children are with you, keep them with your group. They shouldn't be exploring on their own and playing with things in the home.
- If it is your listing, please place the lockbox in an easily accessible location. (No one wants to walk through knee-deep snow to get to the lockbox hanging off of the back deck.)
- Be honest and thoughtful with your feedback. The day after you've shown 15 listings, the calls for feedback can be an annoyance. Please remember that the listing agent doesn't really enjoy making the call either, but they need to be able to tell their client something.
Any other thoughts? Comments?