Good evening. Hope this email finds you doing well this Monday and had a fantastic weekend. Wanted to share Tim's Time Outs:
When you find it difficult to move forward, that's okay. Allow it to be what it is, and allow yourself to do what you can.
When you feel disappointed, let it be okay. Feel the disappointment, and then you can choose to let it go and to move beyond it.
Don't waste your energy denying what has happened or getting yourself upset about it...Instead, put your energy to positive use by finding and working to fulfill the best possibilities. There's no good reason to spend a lot of time complaining about what got you into a difficult situation. That merely keeps you stuck where yo are.
The first step in moving forward is to STOP looking backwards. Stop wishing that things had been different and start working to make things a whole lot better.
Be OKAY with what is, and be positive and creative in making good things from it. Remind yourself that each situation is a starting point from which you can work to create meaningful value.~Ralph Marston.
May your day and week be filled with many opportunities and many blessings.
All the best,