I don't believe that there is always a silver lining but most of the time we can find it if we look hard enough. Many decades ago I attempted to join my fathers Life Insurance agency, it wasn't a good fit. Two things stuck out to me in the training I received. #1) Ninety nine of 100 agents who get licensed fail and drop out in their first year (similar to Real Estate) and #2) that out of 100 (cold call) sales calls you make you will be rejected 99 times. The "pep" talk was that when you get rejected to say to yourself: I'm one closer to success. Yuck!
The silver lining to my horrible experience was that it did prep me for future jobs.
As a young man (boy) I learned that when I used sarcasm I got a lot of laughs. I learned this bad habit as an avid fan of MAD Magazine and a book series they put out called "Snappy Answers To Stupid Questions".
I think many "sit-com" writers have read and studied these books. As an adult Christian man I think these books are pure poison to a child. The silver lining to me is that once I became a Christian I realized how snappy (snarky) answers are hurtful and not relationship builders.
I am NOT a pessimist today so I do encourage you to keep looking for that silver lining. You may not find it right away but as it took me years to get past that sarcasm stage I did get past it and the silver lining is a mindset of caring instead of condemning.