The above photo was taken at 8:30pm CDT on June 26, 2024 The McCann Patio.
Blog 26 is upon us and I have to admit...I typed in the words "Blog 26 of 30" this morning about 7 hours ago and have hit a roadblock ever since. (Over 12 hours ago now)
Of course there was the 30+ mile trip this morning to meet the appraiser at a home that is selling FHA... 108 N Burr in Wilcox, NE. So I could talk a little about that home... I mentioned it in Blog 8 guessed it...June 8th.
Knock on wood ...appraiser did not think there would be any issues. I have known this appraiser for 20 years and she is a very thorough and fair appraiser.
Then, if you read my refrigerator goodbye in Blog 24 I could write about the end of the road on that old friend and holder of 35 years of memories. And where old Trusty resides now out west of town.
I was hoping for more AR input on what brand is a great brand of refrigerator these days. Any suggestions and/or pros and cons on certain brands are most welcome. Thank you to those who did share their thoughts.
This is where I remind everyone that: Good reviews are a dime a dozen...and my life experience in studying bad reviews, I believe half are BS and a fourth incompetent...with the balance possibly fair reviews.
I could spend time during this blog wondering why a 12 year old residential high impact roof that has never been hailed on is not considered insurable by 4 out of 5 insurance companies when it is a 40 year shingle?
I can see why so many people who own their homes are going without Home owner insurance. Myself, I am more afraid of a tornado or fire than a hailstorm.
Even with a large deductible or no insurance, I can afford to replace roof, or windows, or siding...or all three. But not the infrastucture that a fire or wind can destroy. I cannot afford to go totally without and I hope the vast majority of folks feel the same way. Our home owner insurance has more than doubled in the past 3 years.
I suppose I could write a bit about the fact that I have to mow...except that it is now 10:10pm in Nebraska and our beautiful sunset is finished and the lawn is mowed.
Robyn always helps mow...check out her straight lines in the above photo!
A couple folks on AR have commented on our patio so I thought I would throw a couple photos of it in the evening hours!!
Well...since I have not thought what I should write about... I guess I will just say...I am at a loss for words and will try harder tomorrow!
Until Next Time...Don't get so sidetracked with other chores and lose sight of your goal! Mike