
Not More Homework!!

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Realty

My 6 year old son will be starting first grade this year, and he is soooo excited. However, it is me that's having the problem. First of all, he is growing up soo fast. Second, I feel like I'm about to be enrolled in school again. I hear all of my mom-friends talk about the amount of homework their children bring home. Homework for him, is homework for my husband and I. Although I don't think the amount is that extreme in first grade...this is only the beginning of 12 years!! I am going to miss the Kindergarten homework of reading a book every night. How do you work your schedule around work, kids activities, and homework when bedtime is 8pm? I guess I will be figuring this out by the end of August.

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Crystal Corr
Keller Williams Greenville Central - Simpsonville, SC

Your baby is growing up! I am sure you will figure out quickly how to juggle all the balls of work, home life, homework, dinner, alone time, hubby time and more....It can be challenging and I don't even have children yet. I have no idea where I would fit them in.

Jul 09, 2008 02:06 PM
Lindsey Hasford
Edina Realty - Elk River, MN
Bringing you home...

:-) I will be getting there in a couple of years! It all works out somehow doesn't it?!?!

Jul 10, 2008 05:43 AM