Our sweet Barney passed over the doggie rainbow bridge last month. Naturally we're both very sad about our little guy. We miss him so much. He doesn't follow me around constantly or beg to go for a walk or ride. And let's not forget about TREATS.....oh he loved his treats.
We got Barney when he was 6 and he lived a very good life and made it to 18. Clients of our ours that were selling their home thought the new buyers were going to take him. They had jokingly said during the long listing period (short sale) would you like to take Barney? Of course we always said!
Well that joke came to become real the day before Christmas. The seller called and said, the buyers don't want Barney. Did you really mean you'd take him? Yes, we'd love to take Barney! Gary went to their house to pick him up and the poor little guy was so confused. Once he got to his new home, he had a lot of people to meet as we had family in town . Way too much for a little guy. Most of the holiday he sat on my lap or Gary's and we tried our best to keep him happy and calm. Naturally, it took a little time until he felt this was his home. But once he did, he settled right in. We quickly figured out he wasn't socialized as he didn't know how to act around people. So we began to take him to places like Home Depot so he could get used to new people. He did take very well to getting 'lovies' and sometimes even treats!
My assistant Barney!
One of his favorite things to do was get a pupachino! So I'd make sure to take him as often as possible. Typically I'd go to a Starbucks further away because he loved 'rides' too and sticking his head out the window! Oh how he loved that! And he loved playing 'ball. We'd throw a tennis ball out into the yard and he'd dash out to find it and bring it back. If you're a dog lover you know how much dogs loved playing ball! Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over!!!
About 2 years ago he lost his hearing due to an ear infection that was difficult to clear up. And then he lost his site, pretty much. Thankfully he knew how to get around the house and had his little routines - so he felt safe. We began to give him him a lot more 'lovies' so he knew all was ok. That was so sweet. He loved getting petted!
2+ years ago we took in another little 2 year old pup - as his parents were moving and couldn't take him with them. We thought it would be really good for Barney plus the little guy needed a new home. I fell in love with him the first time I saw his picture and just new he belonged with us. Norman seemed to know Barney needed to be looked after so he's let me know if Barney got himself into a tough spot. They became good buddies and it was fun to watch them play. It has taken Norman time to adjust to being the only dog for now, but he's doing well and seems very happy. He's such a sweet little guy!