Thoughts on the First
Wandering as well as Wondering
Around the AR Archives Plus Some Other Stuff . . .
Some say we are entering the dog days of summer. Perhaps paws (and pausing) are part of your plans this month. Puppy-paddling ’round a pond of some sort may be on your agenda too. As for me, I am likely to chill out in various ways. Or as I often refer to it, "business as usual". I continue to walk around various neighborhoods, read this-and-that as well as see more than a few movies.
In the last few years, and especially when the AR chihuahua stays away, I occasionally check out the ActiveRain archives in addition to the daily blog roll. A brief wayback-time-machine visit can help put some context into the continuing commentary of this community. And, doggone it, that pondering perspective can prompt some positive memories and perhaps something inspiring too.
Happy August whatever you choose to do.
Images in this post are from