Friday Fun…Blink!...It’s Gone
One question for you…Where Did Summer Go???
It seems like a minute ago that we were thinking of trips to the beach, summer night concerts, and lazy days with nothing on the calendar.
However, two weeks ago I started seeing “Back to School” supplies in our grocery store. Schools in our area begin August 12 (HISD) or August 19 (Cypress School Dist.)
I can see the merits of a shortened summer break…
-Students have less time to forget what they (hopefully) learned
-With a shorter break, teachers don’t have to waste time regearing their students up to classroom learning
-Parents are ready to reclaim their days and nights, Monday through Friday
(My former neighbor invited her friends and neighbors for a big celebratory brunch on the first day of school…complete with all kinds of munchies and mimosa’s. )
I remember my summers being full of play…outdoors whenever possible. I remember trips to the beach, walking to our local movie theater, and ice cream and snow cones.
What about you? What do you remember about your childhood summers?