It's been a minute since I've written a "Saturday Soundness" post. Summer has been brisk with my son out of school, his summer camps and activities and, real estate has been moving for me. No complaints at all.
Today regarding health and well-being, I wanted to focus on the topic of "sound" as a healing method. Einstein stated, "Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies." We know that particles both living and nonliving are constantly moving at the atomic level. This movement creates frequencies.
Sound is a frequency and when it resonates at a level that is in tune with the human body, amazing things can result. And of course, there are the big "alphabet soup" agencies out there that would like to poo poo this type of information as misinformation. Yet, these same agencies would like us all to believe that an "injection" that contains who knows what will prevent a "new" disease. And, we know how that has worked out!
I prefer to put my faith in modalities that just make good sense. And, it is OK if you disagree. We are each on our own health journey and must determine what is best for ourselves. For me, I have found that my journey is along the path of clean, holistic living.
Let's get back to the "sound" topic. Music can affect you in a variety of ways. I have never resonated with heavy metal, hard rock, or rap music. The clanging causes headaches and agitation within. I have always preferred soothing sounds.
A lot of research is going into the topic of sound therapy. Because we are mostly made of water, sound frequencies most definitely affect us at a cellular level. If this interests you at all, do a little research into this topic. I think you will find it interesting.
I enjoy falling asleep to healing frequency videos. I am sharing one below to enjoy! Happy health and wellness!