Today, we welcome our new District Governor, Mike Tatem. His speech to our Rotary Club gives a glimpse of his philosophy.
Welcome to the 2024-2025 Rotary year! I am thrilled and extremely honored to be able to serve as your District Governor this year. Our clubs have set ambitious goals,
have elected strong club leadership, and have positioned themselves to maximize the good that can be done in our respective communities. I will encourage our clubs to develop their action plans throughout the year. These plans will help our clubs increase our impact, expand our reach, enhance our engagement, and increase our adaptability. His global vision is reflected in a message following his visit to Jamaica immediately following the devastating passage of Hurricane Beryl. I have excerpted some of that message later in the RotaRecord. There are numerous ways to assist the hurting population, so please look and see what you can do.
From my perspective, DG Mike gets it. He gave one of the best talks and encouraging words to a club in years. He was challenging and engaging in his approach to what the clubs could do for their communities. You could feel the excitement in the room as DG Mike offered his full support and that of the district.
Rotary was started by four business people who wanted to help the city of Chicago. It has morphed into a worldwide philanthropic organization, topped by no one or no other organization. Google any city, add Rotary to the search, and see for yourself. Then check out any charity on Charity Navigator and see the money spent helping others compared to their leadership salaries. Oh, my. Unless you are filthy rich and can throw money away, this alone will have you giving to Rotary and nowhere else. If you are the average Joe or Sue and want to help people with the right resources, check out Rotary. Whether it is your time or money, you will love Rotary—Cantonment Rotary: New Year Full of Opportunities.
Check us out and have a free lunch as our guest.
Wednesday - 12:00 PM
St. Luke's Methodist Church (conference center left side of main entrance)
1394 E 9 Mile Rd
Pensacola, FL 32514