Good Times!
I dragged out my motorcycle jacket. ( I only wear it for special occasions and this was a very special occasion). My far-reaching blog had reached this lady from several states away. She is the daughter of Judy Deener who grew up in Searcy AR and the grandchild of Richard Deener from Searcy. Remember them? They lived here a long time ago with Judy graduating in about 1954!
Jennie, shown above, had such favorable memories of her visits to Searcy as a child that she longed to return for a visit and contacted me through the blog. She has no relatives left in Searcy but she drove for hours to get here when my good friend and a best friend of Judy's, Anita Hart Fuller, and I agreed to give her a tour. The tour was one week ago. Here is one of the main places that we were fortunate to visit!
This is where her mother lived. The address is 306 E. Center Street, Searcy AR. It is called the Hicks-Dugan-Deener House and it has its name above the front door and may be hard to read in the picture below but it is on the Historic Registry as having been built about 1855 and is one of Searcy's few remaining pre-Civil War houses!
Story continued.....Her grandfather lived in the home next door, 310 E. Center, also on the historic registry, and we were fortunate to see it also and we are shown on the porch of it in the top picture. She also visited other wonderful memory places and seemed to have been pleased with her trip to Searcy.
Thank you, Jennie Jones, for loving Searcy and visiting.