WARNING! This book review may rattle your cage because the topic is dicey. However, no matter what your thoughts are regarding the medical industry, big pharma, and big government, understanding the history of how these sectors came about is paramount to knowing the truth. And, I'm here to tell you, that when you understand the good, the bad, and the ugly, you will most likely experience a paradigm shift.
Here are the main learning points from this book:
💉 How the FDA, AMA, American Cancer Society, and. a host of other agencies came about and became the powerful entities we know they are today.
💉 The families and individuals who were instrumental in creating the powerful entities that govern medicine, health care, and our food industry.Â
💉 Eye-opening facts that will cause you to re-think everything you think you know about our entire, healthcare industry.
💉 Corruption runs deep in these industries. Understanding how you look at the entities is essential when you are faced with personal choices regarding your health.
I have always sought to research and understand issues related to health care. From my own health experiences, early on, I didn't feel right about certain protocols. Deep within, I knew the radical and toxic medicines that were being prescribed didn't sit right. I walked away to the strong objections from every doctor who worked on my case.Â
14 years ago I turned my back on the radical and experimental treatments being offered. I vowed to do my own research and today, I am standing strong due to following my own intuition. Losing a lung to a massive tumor provided a bleak outlook with about 6 months to live without the prescribed treatments.
I will say right here if you've read this far that I respect the decision anyone makes regarding their own health journey. However, this book will open your eyes and may cause you to change your perspective on your entire healthcare journey or that of someone you love.
Disclaimer: I do not know this author nor do I receive any kickbacks or bonuses from the sale of this book. I simply feel strongly about passing along truths that for many have been hidden due to the nature of the topic. Here is the LINK for this book.